
Joined: February 24, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: February 23
user id: 277305
Location: In the monster suit in your cubboard ;)
Gender: F

About me:
Hi my name is Tanaya Smith
I am 16 years old
I live in Australia
I'm in year 11
I love my music
I love ROCK  and METAL music
I can not live without my music or books
I have anxiety and depression
I can be pretty crazy
if your my friend you'll be my friend for life
hurt my friends and you WILL die!
I don't live with my parents
I can be pretty quiet and shy
Once you get to know me I am loud and crazy :P
I love to read and write
I may or may not put a poem up here
Or my story
I am in love with the Cookie monster
we were made for each other
Haters gonna hate
Potatoes gonna potate

My favourite band of all time is Avenged Sevenfold

I think thats it but nice meeting you all! Hope you comment and we can be the best of friends!!!
Love Tanaya <3 :D

Quotes by XxRockerChickxX

My pop had his funeral today, I didnt get to go. I'm going to miss him. Even though I didnt see him often, he was still my pop, I still loved him. I want to say goodbye. To an amazing man. My brother worshiped him, he didn't get to say goodbye before he left. His such a strong man now. No boy, my 10 year old brother is many years beyond his age today. I cry for you poppy. I will forever miss you poppy Tom, you'll be fishing up in heaven. I love you poppy, you'll awlways be in my heart and on my mind xoxox
R.I.P Poppy Tom <3
I fear the day when you realise i am worthess
I fear the day when you realise how annoying i am
I fear the day when you realise how much of a mess i am
I fear the day when you realise how desperate i am for you
I fear the day when you realise that im not the one
I fear the day when you realise that im far from perfect
I fear the day when you realise that you dont want me anymore

On that day my whole world will shatter
Is it just me or did Witty change again? thanks steve!
When you finally realise how truely alone you are
and realise your ok with this becuase you know your ugly,
you know your not worth anything...
you know your nothing to everyone...
Anyone elses witty chat not working? Comment if yes or no or fav if yes... not asking for favs for a top qoute just wanna know :D
Anyone elses wittychat down?
I'm not going to use some fancy font or big letters or use 1D to get you to read this but if you could that would be fantastic... I have just found that my fathers dying... I have so much going on right now with me not living at home and the family in turmoil... And to find out that the one person who I have stayed loyal to is dying of liver and kidney failure not to mention his got blood poisning and may loose his leg because of my animal of a sister who attacked him and gave him blood poisning... I just cant handle that... What would you do if you were in my place? I have cried... But I havnt really been able to breakdown... I have needed and wanted to cry for so long after everything happening but havnt been pysically able to... I just... Dont know what to do! I am so broken inside I dont know if I will be able to handle it all... I cut... Sue me but ask yourself this? If you heard my FULL story would you be able to handle it? I think not... I just want to die but I know I cant because he needs me.. And ill be there till the day he dies... I love you daddy!!!!
Signing in the rain <3

Signing in the rainealfnafheqIP
 DancingSigning in the rain <3Sslafkefklaehfileah
  Kissing in the rain <3