
Joined: August 2, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 119066
My name is Kimberly. Im in 7th grade. I have 2 two bestfriends that I can tell everything to and they are Mackenzie and Madison. You can check out Mackenzie's page and see her quotes, they are really good --->IWillHelpYou<---

Im gunna do alot of different kinds of quotes <3   

Quotes by YouGiveMeButterflies

I Love You, Just not the way I used to.



Jersey Shore <3

is The Best<3




See that smile? You wouldn't even believe what's behind it


When you tell someone your problem and they say "I know what your going through" or "I know what you mean". Like you might think you do, but you have NO idea.  

You never really cared .  

If you really loved me like you said, you would of never [w a l k e d] away  

After many breakups I've been through, I still believe every guy when they tell me I'm [beautiful]  

It's not my fault I fell for you..
You tripped me, and than walked away. 

The only reason you dont like

it's cause you don't
 understand what he's trying to say


dont care if you jockk just give me credit :)    

Bestfriends ;;
The one's who walk in when everyone else walks out </3