
Joined: July 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 197781
 i Love Marshall Mathers (Eminem)
♥.He's an amazing rapper and I just love his music. <3 He's also very inspiring. I also have a boyfriend ;
and I feel like I finally got it right for once. ;* O6;28'^
Well ; talk to me if you would like ; get to know me :) ♥
- Love ,
Melanie <3

About this girl ;

.My name is Melanie . I'm Puerto Rican & Italian. <3 My birthday is October 3rd Yes ; I am a Libra ♥ .! I have a sister who I fight with constantly but I love her with all my heart.
- I know what you girls are feeling because I have been throguh it. I have been cheated on, lied to , and used. But, i learned all boys are going to hurt you there's no doubt about it, but you have to learn to forgive and forget no matter how much it's going to hurt you ; you just have to. The person your suppose to be with is walking this earth right now.
Crazy Huh :D.
My favorite colors are green, purple, black, and red. My friends say i'm good at giving advice becasue I've been through the times where I used to cut my self , where I used to cry, my heart breaks, loss of a loved one/family member , and when I just wanted to end my life because I've been through it all that I know the feeling very well. I H A T E when people call themselves ugly , noone is ugly everyone is beautiful / unique in there own ways. I want to be a Journalist or a Lawyer when I grow up . But , I might become a Journalist because I love writing. :P Well I'm going to stop blabbering now, so byee (:
- Love ,
Melanie ♥  

title of the box to anything you want.

Comments Made on Your_Lovex3's Quotes

Your_Lovex3 1 decade ago on quote #3345662
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lmao (:
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Lovestruckxx 1 decade ago on quote #3345662
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Lmfaooo, so true.
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