
Joined: August 19, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 86680

there's no such thing as perfection;;

hey there, welcome to _thehelping hand. Need advice? On anything? Boys? friends? family? homework even? We're here to give you advice! Our names will remain a secret (: but we're best friends. Don't be shy, everyone has problems, we understand all of them. You never know, maybe we've been through the same thing?  So go ahead. Ask us questions. Satisfied? Follow us and pass it on. 


Comments by _TheHelpingHand

_TheHelpingHand 1 decade ago to 53maria53
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I'm glad to help (:
if you ever come across any more problems, bullying or guys pushing you, im always here (:
_TheHelpingHand 1 decade ago to 53maria53
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Hey there (:
i read your problem and i understand it fully, because your situation was exactly the same as mine before, so im going to be able to give you the best advice so far.

So you like this guy alex, and fernando right? One is boyfriend, one is best friend.. one is shy and one is rough.

Okay, in my opinion you should stay with Alex. reasons being: 1. hes safe 2. he wont break your heart as badly as fernando 3. dating bad boys aren't that healthy, trust me, i did, and i couldn't stop crying and heart breaking for a month. 4. Fernando teases girls? If you really want to date him, you have to change him. I know most people say "dont change who they are" but this is a different matter. You need to make him understand the girl's feelings, on how sensative we are. Its going to be hard, but you can do it. (:

And seriously. Alex loves you very much, he doesn't show it that much if hes shy (or he might). Its your choice sweetie,
ask more questions, and i'll answer them for you (:
_TheHelpingHand 1 decade ago to hyperrintake
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_TheHelpingHand 1 decade ago to peiceofmetaylor
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