
Joined: April 15, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 357052
Gender: F
Hey this is Courtney! I am 14.  I have a younger brother and a puppy. I love my family to death and they mean the world to me. I wouldn't be able to live without them they have helped me through everything.

I play soccer for two teams my school team and a travel team.  I love playing it and I love my teams. I play goalie and mid-field.

I have lost a lot of friends this year and it has killed me, it still kills me. I wish if it didn't happen but everything has to happen for a reason right? Anyway I love meeting new people and friends that are always there for me, mean the world to me so chat me sometime :)

This explains everything for me...
Even if I smile, I could still be dying inside.

Quotes by _courtney_

There is no better feeling
than stepping out on that field
and stunning them all
by doing what none of them thought you could do.

(A soccer quote for me)