
Joined: March 9, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 3996
aLi * When yOu lOve sOmeOne theres nOthing yOu can dO yOu cant cOntrOl yOuR heart

Quotes by aLi

im addicted to u dont you knoe that ur -(t.o.x.i.c)-
the biqqest difference between me and
you is i meant it wHen i said i love you *
the hardest thing in life is ..
watching sOmeOne you lOve
lOve sOmeOne else <33
go on..go on come on leave me breathless ..
it's something unpredictable...but in the end it's right
i hope you had the time of your life..
LaDiEzZ Be PiMpS ToO..CoMe oN BrUsH Ya ShOuLdErZ OfF-JaY Z
LaDiEzZ Be PiMpS ToO..CoMe oN BrUsH Ya ShOuLdErZ OfF-JaY Z
BfFs*TiLl dEaTh dO Us PaRtT..
[{ nAmEsZ hUrR }]
**if u r a sexy gorilla (grrr) copy this into ur profile**