
Joined: September 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 221487

Quotes by abster7

every time you mistreat a woman
you give up the right to be treated like a man

Change is never easy: you fight to let go and you fight to hold on
The awkward moment when Chris Brown raises up his hand and everyone flinches.

The internet always seems more interesting when you have work to do.

Too many girls want attention; not enough want respect

You smile. Your hug. Your voice. Your laugh. Your late night calls. Your kiss. Being in your arms. Being yours. It's all so  u n f o r g e t t a b l e.♥
Relationships nowadays: Week 1- I love you. Week 2- Forever♥ Week 3- Single.
Dear guys, every time you mistreat a woman, you give up the right to be treated like a man.
You know like is worth the struggle when you look back on what you lost and realize that what you have now is much greater.
Wearing makeup? You're fake.
Not wearing makeup? You're ugly.
  Straightened hair? You try too hard.
Natural hair? You don't try at all.
You ate a salad for lunch? Anorexic.
Ate a burger for lunch? Fat.
  You cry? You're soft.
Don't cry? No emotions.
  Nice clothes? Spoiled. 
Normal clothes? Poor.
  Play sports? You must think you're a guy.
Don't play sports? Too girly.
No boyfriend? There must be something wrong with you.
Have a boyfriend? You must get around.
  Good grades? You're a nerd.
Bad grades? Idiot.
  Talk too much? You're annoying.
Don't talk? Way too shy,
            Welcome to a society where you will never be perfect.