
Joined: January 14, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 263710

Quotes by acote2510

The depressing moment when....
You see a really hot, college guy and realize, "I'm never going to see him again):"
(True Story, but what makes it funny is I'm 12 ans he's prolly 18-19-20)
My eyes are like freaking Niagra Falls...
Holding back gallons of water just aching to flow

Me: I promise I'm over him, I'm done, completley moving on:-)
Friend: Good, Wanna watch a movie?
Me: He liked movies.....
Friend: Ok, lets go get some lunch
Me: He ate lunch.....
Friend: So let me ask again, you are over him?
Me: Yes:)
Friend: Wanna go play soccer?
Me: He likes soccer:(
*Not a true story, but it always feels this was about boys(-;*
i know i’m not on
your mind
but you have to know
your on mine<3
You wanna know who's beautiful, read the first word<3
People need to grow up and stop worrying about the past and start worrying about the future.
Instead of asking "Why?" ask "Why not?" <3

A girl is gonna date hundreds of guys, and eventually she'll marry one. 
But we all know theres that one guy that she'll