
Joined: July 8, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 192015

Quotes by adorkable250

Secretly hating "thatgirl
who has
on her
profile picture.

  The past,when you were angry with someone, you FOUGHT them.

Now you just DELETE them off Facebook

That'll teach 'em to f*ck with you.

Since childhood I had a crush on him,
Every day he would come over to play with my brother and I
He was pretty much perfect...
Extremely ATTRACTIVE and quite a charmer
I thought I would be marrying him at some point.
Years later, I found myself crying.
He had found someone else...

I guess all the good ones are gay.

daughter: mom, what's a hickey?
mom: You know, just when someone sucks on your neck...
daughter: oh, did you ever get one as a teen?
mom: Yeah, I wasn't a COMPLETE prude...

lol, thanks mom. Good to hear.