
Joined: November 16, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 134215
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Heyy cutties, my name is adrianna spada. Witty is the amazing , well everyone knows that. But anyways I love my friends and family. I also LOVE shopping. I'm obsessed with the store pink and also the color. I love abercrombie. I love summer and warm weather. But winter is so cute and cozy.  I hate haters, but you just got to ignore them and give them something to talk about , I also hate fake facebooks and wittys there annoying. But anways add me on facebook ; adrianna spada. Byeee ;*
Follow me and i'll return (:
Adrianna  Spada  (;



Quotes by adrixoxo12

at  least even for a little while ,
i was the reason behind your smile

Life'sNot About Finding Yoursself.
It's About
Creati ng Yourself


They Say No Boy Is Worth  
Crying Over
Oh But Believe Me Haven't Meet
This Boy 



You guys might be like to peas in a pod  
but me and her
Are like two boobs in a bra
--------------------- ---------
I will always like him
even though I don't want to
It's almost impossible to stop 
fav if you feel the same about him


And he's got a smile that can  light up

this whole town 

-taylor swift 



20 Things Girls Want Guys To Know

1. We love when you cuddle with us.
2. A kiss on th4e cheek is a definete
 3. We want you to put your arm around us at the movies.
4. We don't care if you aren't the strongest guy in the world.
5. Size doesn't matter so don't tell us.
6. We don't always look our best so get over it.
7. We should'nt have to plan everything.
8. Were always ready to talk so call us.
9. Were not perfect so deal with it.
10. We love surprises.
11. The little things you do mean the most.
12. Were not always girly girls.
13. We can like boy stuff.
14. Swearing and fighting doesn't impress us.
15. Don't be mean to us to get our attention.
16. Don't tell us who's hot because we don't care.
17. We can tell when your not listening. 
18. Hugs mean more sometimes. 
19. When we say that we are cold it's an invitation to come closer.
20. We need your advice sometimes so don't be afraid to give it.  



Life  is to short ,
       Kiss slowly , 
                      Laugh insanely ,
                           Love  truly , and
                                   Forgive quickly. 

Someday you'll cry for me
  Like I cried for you
 Someday you'll miss me
 Like I missed you
  Someday you'll need me
 Like I needed you 
 Someday you'll love
But I won't love

n     m     f

dont you hate,
when you cant get over one person no matter how hard you try.