
Joined: December 6, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 95351
i will answer any and all of you questions. I will post my own quote once and a while too.

Quotes by advicewizard

hey; i need some advice;
Well, i met this guy the other day, and i think he is insanleyy cutee, and he's also really funny and nice. &i think i might actually really like him. but i want to get to know him more, theres just one problem, i hear he's got a girlfriend. when i met him all my friends said they saw it in my face that i thought all that about him. &idk, the way he looked at me, it didn't take me long to fall for him.; so i thnk i really like him, but hes got a girlfriend. what should i doo?

Well you're right get to know him, maybe bring up something in a convo about a relationship, very suttle though, you dont want to seem eager to find out. If you like him, give him time to know you and like you back, i hope i helped
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Problem:sorry if its long but here it goes.!
well i have a huge crush on this boy lets call him [jp]. well j.p was new to the school this year. he has a twin brother. i think both of them are cute but idk what it is about j.p that i like more. we always look at each oter in the hall way but in english class he talks to other girls we never had a conversation only once for like 3 mins. Usually before the bell rings he just sits down texting or just look at me then look somewhere else. the problem is in the hallways i always see him with this girl and idk if they go out. he's a junior and she's a senior. The funny thing is i know him since elementary school but then he moved and both of the twins were new to the highschool this year. idk i think i should just give up :/

Solution: j.p still 1) isn't sure about the school and doesn't want to look weird 2) likes you but doesn't have the courage to talk without sounding stupid. about the girl what i would do is just ask her or him about it in a general convo. never give up on youself
Advice question: yess im the first one... haha ok so my friend has been ignoring me and stuff and she is trying to get me to leave the group and i stood up to my friend last night and stuff... what should i do cuz she was being all bitchie... and yeaa so please help me

Advice answer: you and your friend are obviously not going through an easy time. you should really just sit down, calm yourself, and think of every reason she would want you to leave. talk to her once you've done that. if she won't take the time to listen or respond to you she is not a true friend.

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