
Joined: July 11, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 26720

Quotes by aerobabe08

***Oh HoNeY iT wAsNt U i LoVeD iT wAs Ur MoNeY***
It hurt when u said were done
how can you just sit and run from what we had
was are relationship that bad
why did u lead me on this far
i asked you if u would ever hurt me
ur response was are love will always be
who knew it would be this big of a fee
it`s sad because now i ask every guy will u ever hurt me

all mine
i don`t care if u have alot of dough
just know im here for u and only u
when ur friends try to get at me
I tell them he`s the one that holds the key
Its always goin to be him and me
i`m cute and tasty and hott
i`m everything that b*tch is nott
i`m one of those chicks that can take to da candyshop
everyone knows im betta then dem hoes
i guess what im tryin to say i can make u happy and give good pleasure to your day

***all mine***
***you made my girl cry you made my girl hurt***
***who are you to turn her world upside down***
***you left her for your first love who broke ur heart***
***uh? no don`t come back to her with sum lame excuse***
*** u ruined ur chance and jus blew a fuse***
*** if i see you on the street u best be on yur feet***
wat u did to her was straight up wack and like i said u and ur girl best watch ur back

***- erin i luvya too much to see u get hurt theres always some one better out there jus 4 you lolz u were always there 4 me