
Joined: January 3, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 62593

Quotes by alexa_massey

what     sunshine  is to flowers,     smiles are to humanity.
These are but trifles, to be sure,
but scattered along life's pathway, the good they do is
  N  C  O  N  C  E  I  V  A  B  L  E
for making you angry and letting you down.  i made you frown. for all the things i've done to make you think twice.  seems like you're rolling the dice.  for being complicated and cursing your judgement, i knew what you meant.  i over estimated us and was way ahead of the curb. jumping at every word, flying like a bird
please why can't i stay?  please why can't you turn around and look me in the eye, just be my guy.  treat me the same, speak my name.  please why can't we be friends?  i promise i'll be different, i promise i'll be true, and i will never do what she did to you.  please why can't i stay?  i'll keep the monsters at bay.
i couldn't be enough, but i swear i was no bluff.  i couldn't have loved you any less, for how long god could never guess.  i couldn't tell you for my tongue was scared, leaving my statements bare.  i couldn't have known how hurt you were inside, for i was put aside. i couldn't have known, your heart was blown.
i spoke of you, i wrote of you. i dreamed of you, i sang of you.
i love you, i need you.
i'm waiting for you, i'm living for you.
it's all for you,


- written by me, please give me some credit :)

i was the one you always  DREAMED of,
             *you were the one i tried to DRAW.

 - john mayer, C:
                     * once there was a girl
[who didn't speak her mind,]

the only time she actually spoke was through a rhyme.
day &; night, night &; day..her words would spill onto a page.
she prayed each night,
for all her worries to take flight.
&; she thought of words she w i s h e d to say,
Intimacy:  __________________is a four syllable word for,
"Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, and enjoy."
It's both desired, & feared.
^Difficult to live with, and impossible to live without.
Intimacy also comes attached to the three R's
relatives, romance, and roommates.
    There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know.
- meredith grey___*grey's anatomy <3


jon: yup i named u its over
alexaaaaa,: NO..
alexaaaaa,:  i want to be .. immancipated into something else
jon:  lets look at ur face and find one
alexaaaaa,: ..
jon: hmm
alexaaaaa,: ....
jon: I GOT IT
alexaaaaa:, ok..
jon: ur a flower
: :)
jon: or an old goat
alexaaaaa,:  :O
jon: haha jk ur colorful
alexaaaaa,: haha , thankss :)

     ignorance is bliss     * 
thats what they say,
i can't keep on living like this,
not this way.
i smile , despite the pain
i laugh , despite the torture

i want to strip this life away,
i want to strip away the tears that i shed
i'm silently screaming, the horrors of reality will venture away
they hum a terrible song, as i walk with no ego

it's pretty depressing.. i was just venting, it felt good.
the pain that lingers in my chest
is all that's left...
of my best
⇒   His .  Flaws  . Are . Flawless <33