
Joined: September 5, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 215815

heyloww. im lucy totino;
13 years young/old. whatever.

really, my life isnt very bad. simple things make me happy, like friends family musicc and of course the etrade baby commercials. my boyfriend is pretty awesome(: we have our bad moments, but they just prove that we can stay together. if we cant, we cant. i am WEIRD. like its acctually disturbing how weird i am. hahah, but i like me that wayy(: In second grade, one of my friends died of cancer, and it was horrible. Ive watched my friend Ryan, lose his mom when he was in 5th grade and the thought of it makes me terrified to lose my own family.<3  people are gonna come around and hurt you but that makes you stronger. Im not friends with the girl that understood everything about me, and im not willing to forgive&forget because i dont understand some of the things she did, but i miss her. Music&singing, i cannot live without them. I dont go without singing for more than..5 minutes? haha, little things bother me and get to me quickly, but i learn to push them aside. I am absolutely terrifed to grow up, highschool scares me and im gonna have to go there next yearr.  
I love my friends Molly, Mikayla, Kylie&Julia.<3 I tell them everything, and i love them so muchh. Theyre so much fun and make me laugh 24/7.(:
Welllll, im outt. bu-byee.