
Joined: June 14, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 79395
My name is unimportant.  But, if you really must know, you may ask.  I won't tell you if you don't care.
I dislike multiple things.  However, I like just about the same amount - if not more.
- I dislike when things are red, white, & blue.  You may say I'm not patriotic, I don't mind, I just find it annoying.
- I dislike people who:  talkk likee thiss  OR lyke disz OR LIKE THIS.  Those all frustrate me.  Please, if you want to talk to me, type normally.  No need for caps unless you absolutely feel like whatever you say wouldn't be the same without them.
- I sing, and I write and I act  and I will be famous some day.  Not witty famous, no.  Nothing of the sort.  No, I mean, on the big screen, or up on stage, maybe on Broadway.  Who knows?  On the off chance I do become famous this will stay my witty account unless stated otherwise. Don't. Believe. Fakes.
-On that note, no jocking... please.  It doesn't make anyone happy.  And, if you find comfort in annoying people in such a way, I'd rather you didn't speak to me anyway.
- I love sleeping.  Oh so much.
- My life is ultimately average and not much happens that is amazingly exciting.
- I'm currently very tired.
- I am secretly a sugarglider.  You don't know what that is?  You should google it.  We will take over the world with seals and cats.  You have been warned.
- I'm 13, and in 8th grade.  I don't have a problem with my school, aside from the whores.
- If I don't become famous, my profession will be psychiatry, minoring in drama.
- Not jr. high/high school drama.  I hate that.  No, I mean, acting/drama.
- I'm shivering uncontrollably.  I get cold very easily.
- It's a pretty good chance my quotes are 100% mine.  On the off chance they're not, I'm sorry if I don't give credit, I forget sometimes.  You'll live.
- I am utterly in love with English accents and the German language.  You can deal.
- I'm not sure I believe in God.  However, if you do, I won't judge you.  If you don't, I won't judge you. 
I never use His name in vain.  I say oh my gosh or oh my goodness.  I do also pray to Him when I feel it absolutely necessary such as when my cousin got a brain tumor or my brother went to marine boot camp.
- I won't judge.  I'm very diverse.  That includes blacks, asians, gays, lesbians, cross dressers, bisexuals, everything. 
- If you're still reading this... I love you :D
- I base my font choice off of how adorable this >> ^-^ << face looks in said font.
- I. Am. So. Effing. Tired.
- I find redundancy silly.  However, I'm known to be redundant.
- And sarcastic.
- I'm suspected of having ADHD.  No doctors have said that, just my friends.
- I hate labels just as much as the next person, but I constantly hate them.  I don't just hate them when my "friends" hate them.
- Speaking of.  I have no "friends" only friends.  I don't tolerate fake friends.  Don't be one.
- Ducks are plotting your demise.
- That is all.  Too-da-loo

Newest on top :D

Sunday 20.9.09 13:26 P.M.
Went and slept over at my friend Emily's house yesterday :D  It was fun, we ate raw pasta.  Messed around with her iPod... fun things like that.  Yeah... I have to go someone in about an hour, auditions for a musical.  Yes.  fun.... FUN stuff... yeah. bye.

Friday 18.9.09 17:26 P.M.
Just spent, like, an hour at my friend Synclaire's house :D We spent basically the whole time talking about Mikey J. and how amazing he is.  I'm slowly overcoming my bronchitis :D when I laugh I start up in a hacking cough... but it dims to a low wheeze xD  I'm off to my dad's in maybe half an hour or so... he has no internet so I won't be on.  I haven't gotten around to finishing my about section, and I don't believe I will anytime soon... maybe on Sunday... or after I pack.  I just need to finish it up so it wasn't a huge waste of time for Everlongs_layouts.  After all, it's amazing :D I really appreciate it... I kind of miss my brother, Steve... He's a marine and is in North Carolina training seeing as how he's recently finished boot camp... in August he finished... Seems so long ago...  Also, I GOT A PART IN THE FALL DRAMA :D We're doing "A Night Of Horrors" with the three short dramas The Monkey's Paw, A Ghost Story, and The Baby Sitter.  I'm in the baby sitter and my character's name is.... Sharon?  Or something.  If you have any idea on what I'm talking about, gimme a holler :D Thanks!  Pease ^_^

Friday 18.9.09 12:27 A.M.
I've just switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox :D So far I'm happy with the change...  and, who knew the first thing I'd write in this shmancy new profile - courtesy of Everlongs_layouts - is a journal entry?  You may have noticed I put the date in slightly weird.  That's simply because I love the UK and Germany and THAT is how they write it.  I've been home sick for two days with bronchitis, oh, the joy... I'm going back today though, and it's Friday... so... whatevs... And - even better - I can't participate in Gym :D Oh how I hate that dreaded 7th period, A Day class. *shudders*  Oh yes, I'm catching up on homework, I shall continue I suppose... Pease Out :D (I'm aware peace is spelled wrong.  inside joke with mah best friend Jack ^-^)

Love146 is an organization that is working to stop child sex trafficking.  1.6 children are sold every minute for this purpose and Love146 needs help to stop that.  Go to to learn more... And, I know I sound like I've been like... hired... to do this, but I haven't.  I'm just fighting for what's right.  You should be too.  Imagine being 8 years old with a name, a family, and a home.  And then, imagine being sold... having it all taken away.  You're name stripped from you and being replaced with a number.  You've been sold to a brothel where you'll stay behind glass as the life is slowly stolen from you as you're repetitively beaten and raped by men who pay to do so.  You'll wear red dresses everyday, never getting to hear "I love you" from someone close to your heart because they've all gone away.  You've been taken from them and you can't do a thing about it.  Men older than you by 10-40+ years will be staring at you while you sit around in a room with a large glass window staring at a T.V... but you're to far away to watch it, to understand what's happening.  And you realise your only hope is that suddenly no one will want you, suddenly no one will come.  But, where will you go then?  Would you go back home?  Would you roam the streets making money the only way you know how?  Through sex?  Prostitutional sex.  At the young age of 8.  You'll be professional by the age of 11 or sooner.  You ignore the fact that you could get sick, you could die... you don't care.  You just want the money, the money that takes the pain away.  When you've got money you can buy whatever you need... more likely whatever you want.  When you've got the extra cash, who spends it on what they need?  Of course, you'd start small.  Food, an apartment maybe.  Searching for a place to belong, but not for love.  For loveless sex... at the young age of 8.  For sex itself at the young age of 8.  Little girls like this are what LOVE146 is trying to prevent.  Little girls sold as commodities.  Love protects, love defends, love restores, love empowers.  We are LOVE 146.
Lyric of the week: You don't look a day over fast cars and freedom. -Fast Cars and Freedom by: Rascal Flatts

Quotes by almostparadise

  Cross out the things you've done.

Graduated high school.
Kissed someone.
Smoked a cigarette.
Got so drunk you passed out.
rode every ride at an amusement park
Collected something really stupid.
Gone to a rock concert.
Helped someone.
Gone fishing.

Watched four movies in one night.
Gone long periods of time with out sleep.
Lied to someone

Snorted cocaine.
Failed a class.
Smoked weed.
Dealt drugs.
Been in a car accident.
Been in a tornado
Done hard drugs (i.e. ecstasy, heroin, crack, meth, acid).
Watched someone die.
Been to a funeral.
Burned yourself.
ran a marathon
Cried yourself to sleep.
Spent over $200 in one day.
Flown on a plane.

Cheated on someone.
Been cheated on.
Written a 10 page letter.
Gone skiing.
Been sailing.
Cut yourself.
Had a best friend.
Lost someone you loved.
Shoplifted something.

Been to jail.
Dangerously close to being in jail.
Had detention.
Skipped school.
Got in trouble for something you didn’t do.

Stolen books from the library.
Gone to a different country
Dropped out of school.
Been in a mental hospital.
Watched the “Harry Potter” movies.
Had an online diary.

Fired a gun.
Had a yard sale.
Had a lemonade stand.
Actually made money at the lemonade stand.
Been in a school play.
Been fired from a job.
Taken a lie detector test.
Swam with dolphins.
Gone to sea world.
Voted for someone on a reality TV show.
Written poetry.
Read more than 20 books a year.
Gone to Europe.
Loved someone you shouldn’t have.
Used a coloring book over age 12.

Had surgery.
Had stitches.
Taken a taxi.
Seen the Washington Monument.
Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once.

Had a drug or alcohol problem.
Been in a fist fight.
Suffered any form of abuse.
Had a hamster.
Pet a wild animal.
Used a credit card.
Gone surfing in California.
Did “spirit day” at school.
Dyed your hair.

Got a tattoo.
Had something pierced.
Got straight A’s.
Been on the Honor Roll.

Known someone with HIV or AIDS.
Taken pictures with a webcam.
Started a fire.

 When we're older and it doesn't count anymore,
I'm going to tell you how I feel about you now.


© - © - © - © - © - © - © - © - © - © - ©
yes, I believe in love, yes, I'm a dreamer.
                    but, I'm not alone.  There are more of us
than you suspect.  and we've got bombs.
Truth anbeautbombs.x.x.x.x.

there's a whole world down in the ocean.  
filled with talking shrimp,
but my breath won't hold long enough.



don'lie tme

©© life just seems like chapters of goodbye ©©

tmaybe pretend 
in all
.x h .x .x .x e .x s .x .x y.x
i'm done believing you'll care enough to catch me