
Joined: July 19, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 196943

hi, i'm amanda.
You can just call me 'Mandi' though :)
I was born January 2, 1996 w/ my identical twin sister Tori, aka xxtorrrrr
She's really good at witty and I hope to be as good as her one day, but let's
just see what happens lol. Anyways, I've been wanting to get a witty forever.
I always go this website, but I never got an account til now. Witty is my
escape from the real world. I love reading quotes and stories from girls
who are just like me. Whenever I'm pissed, upset, or in any other negative type of mood
I always go to this website. If any of you witty girls need to reach out to someone,
I'm always here to listen cause I deal with the same shit too. All of us witty girls have
to stick together <3 Have any questions or just want to talk, just hit me up :D

Feel free to leave a comment, fav any of my quotes, and follow me :)

Quotes by amandaaaeveee

Every single song
listen toreminds mof you.

Fact;; The wedding ring goes on the left finger. Because it is the only finger with a vein that connects
to the heart  ♥