
Joined: May 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 172184
Love & Life Are one Of The Same.

Quotes by ashrah11

Love Is that leap of Faith,

He will either catch you,
or you will fall and break your heart.

But if you never jump, You Will NEVER Know.
The Moment When, You Worry That HE can hear your heart beating.
It's A Shame I'm A Dream.

-Paramore "All I Wanted"
You Broke My Heart,

But I ran out of stitches.


When you look in the Mirror,

Dont think about how ugly you think you are,

but how pretty the person in the mirror is.


Is such a Cliché

People say it, even when...

They don't crack a smile.



Ya Win Some,

Ya Lose Some,

But ya live to fight another day.