
Joined: July 6, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 51728

Quotes by asvbrockstar

I don't have the time to get upset.
I have to look after me.
Cuz obviously your not gonna.

it doesn't matter
i dont get why
i dont get how
i dont understand
can someone tell me now
crying doesnt work
hope leaves me hopeless
and hurt will hurt more as the pain grows
do i look indistructiabel to you
i may
i might
i could even act it
but the truth
i am every inch like you
my pain is real
i feel the hurt it is not fake
i dont get it
i am confussed
tell me why i am singing the heart ake blues
ill stay up at night
eating candy bars
and ull be with other people promising them mars
i dont get why
i dont know how
i am not indistructiabel this u should know by now
i live
i breath
i eat
i drink
and mabey sometimes i forget to think
but this i have thought over
a million times in my head
each to makeing a brain cell dead
i dont wanna write this
i dont wanna fight
i dont wanna u to be all i think about at night
i thought we were friends that much is true
but now i think of it i am through i am completly done with you
the things u do inject posin into me
and eventually it will kill me
tearing me apart from the inside out
till i scream
till i freak
and break out
mabey thats what it will take to make me become free mabey thats all u neeeded to know about me
mabey it wasnt
and mabey u dont care
but i just wanted u to no i breath airrr...... </3

i thought we were friends?

                thats just how much i car
if volleyball was any easier we would call it dance
you either die a hero........or you live long enough to see your self become a villian

-batman the dark night
when you love someone and think that someone is perfect...then run as fast as you can in the other direction
i cant believe myself for saying this but i think i possibally mabey most definately not so shure but almost know that i think i like you ya it suprissed me too
...........but i know every rock and tree and creature has a life.has a spirit. has a name..................

................but if you walked the footsteps of a stranger you would learn things you never knew you never knew....................

.....................have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corned moon or asked the grinning bob cat why he grinned..................
i gave you a gift
i trusted you with it
but then you broke it
that gift was once
a heart

-truly yours the love story that went wrong