
Joined: July 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 195294

Quotes by bballstar5695

 Guy : babe, smd

 Girl : Why can't you be more romantic?

Guy : Babe, smd in the rain.


 When people come over,

and your mom suddenly

becomes the nicest

woman in the world



Why I wear thick,fluffy socks:

1%comfort 1%warmth 

98% increased ability to slide across floor like a fricken ninja on an invisible surf board


 Pretending to care about a teachers personal life,

 to waste time in their class



 If people could read my mind,
I'd get punched in the face a lot


 You've been a bad boy...

go to my room..



 I'd rather beat my remote to make 

it work than change the batteries



That awkward moment when
you start reading an ad cuz you think it's a quote

The guy who discovered milk. What was he doing with the cow and why did he decide to drink it?