
Joined: February 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 151806
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Ciao, Bella/Bello!

I'm Brooke!
I'm 13 years old (or young, depends on if you're a pessimist or an optimist!)
I'm from Scotland! Yay!
Okay.. I need to get it out the way..
I'm one of the biggest Panic! At The Disco fans there is. Like.. Seriously.
I might make references to the band or its members in my stories, so yeah (:

I hate stereotypes. They're so.. Judgemental. I don't like judgemental people.

I can be an alright person, at times, but I'm also pretty socially awkward.

My friends and family mean the world to me.

I'm REALLY into steampunk stuff ;3

Tumblr is my favourite website; it's like home to me.
Want to visit my Tumblr?
Follow me! (:

I like meeting new people, and especially people that have the same interests as me..

So if you think we'd get along well, leave me a comment, and don't forget to read my stories, give me feedback, and follow!
I LOVE music. There's rarely a moment I'm not listening to it:). My favourite bands/musicians are;
Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Blink-182, Asking Alexandria, Paramore, Bring Me The Horizon, The Young Veins, The Brobecks, The Cab, Biffy Clyro, Ed Sheeran, Jack Off Jill, Oath Of Kings, The Beatles, Smashing Pumpkins, System Of A Down, Boys Like Girls, 3OH!3, Hot Chelle Rae, A Rocket To The Moon, Fun., Kings Of Leon, Ryan Ross, Millsyeck, Secret And Whisper, Good Charlotte, Black Veil Brides, Bless The Fall, The Academy Is..., Pink Floyd, The White Stripes, Evanescence, Enter Shikari, Kids In Glass Houses, Bullet For my Valentine, Red, Breaking Benjamin, Never Shout Never, Lovett..

There's LOADS more but I can't think right now hahah..

Tell me if you like any of these bands! ;3

Stay happy!<3

Quotes by bdstories

Hey guys! I'm back! :D
chapter twenty-eight
Sam's pov:
A few years had passed and my mom realized there was something wrong with my memory, so she took be to the doctors, and found out I'd lost my memory almost completely.
"There's no point in keeping the same life if you don't remember it." Mom told me.
"Can I stay on 'til my last year at school?" I begged.
"Sam. We'll move to a different street. City. State if we need to. You'll be moving schools." My heart pounded when she told me, after we left the doctor's building.

I'd moved school, and met loads of new friends, including Sara, Jade, Louise, Rachel, Michael, and Jack. They were all pretty amazing people and for the two years I was at  my new school (St. Jackson's Academy.) we all stuck by each other, having our ups and downs, fights, I even eventually dated Jack for a while.
I just guess the kidnapping, the memory-loss and Tucker all just distracted me from life for a while, but I know that moving was the best thing because now I have my life back on track, and I do plan to keep it this way.

THE END! What did you guys think?!:)

chapter twenty-seven (part two)
Sam's pov:
I stood there. Tucker's words seemed familiar, yet distant. I love you. I love you. I played his words on loop in my head. Somehow, his voice had turned, and his actions were different. Softer, kinder.
I stared at him. He moved uncomfortably back to the edge of the rock. Then, Tucker stood up. He lifted the flap on his hoodie pocket and pulled out a ring. He kneeled down before me and my heart fluttered.
"Sam. I love you. Will you be my wife?" I didn't say anything. I simply stared at him, single tears rolling down my red cheeks.
"N-No." I whispered. Tucker shot up.
"What?" He spluttered. I felt like I'd been stabbed. I felt ridiculously awful.
"No." I muttered again.
"Sam? Why?" I peered down at the lumpy sand beneath my bare feet.
"I... Tucker... I don't even know you well enough to date you. Never mind marry you." My heart twisted and turned as I forced the words out.
"Oh... I-" Tucker's words were a knife through me. I'd hurt him, and now I couldn't face him.
"I'm so sorry." I slowly stood up. After I'd taken a deep breath, I slightly kissed Tucker on the cheek and simply walked away, tears powering down my face. I walked away from the sun, away from the memories, away from the beach. Away from Tucker.

chapter twenty-seven (part one)
Sam's pov:
"Oh, who's Jenna?" I said to Tucker as we walked to get some ice-cream.
"She's your best friend." We turned the corner.
"Huh?" I didn't understand. I didn't know anyone called Jenna.
"Before the... Thing.... She... Was your best friend. So was Sophie, but, she turned on you." He explained.
"Oh." I gritted my teeth as we stepped into the ice-cream store.
When we got our ice-creams, paid for them and left the store, Tucker and I decided to walk along the beach.
 We saw the sunset now, and he held hands, eating our ice-creams, walking along to the beach.
We got there, and there was other couples, people with kids, and just people on their own. I couldn't help smiling. Without saying anything, Tucker kept moving, and we came across this large rock, laid in front of the rolling sea.
"What's the rock for?" I thought to myself, but didn't ask. Tucker sat me down on the rock then sat himself down and we talked. About pointless things, really. Then all of a sudden, Tucker turned to me.
"I know you lost your memory and all, but, I love you."

chapter twenty-six.
Sam's pov:
"It's not long until we reach your apartment," Tucker said after a long, happy silence.
"Oh," I muttered. I didn't know I had an apartment.
We turned a corner and came across a small street with two short rows of houses.
"This my street?" I asked, disappointed. I glanced at Tucker and he nodded. "Cool." I nodded sarcastically.
"Here we are," Tucker smiled, stopping in front of a small brick apartment. I smiled.
"Go on then." Tucker winked, pushing me forward. I looked back at him and grinned as I made my way up the path.
I took a deep breath when I got to the door and I knocked quietly. No answer. I swiveled around to see Tucker. I shrugged at him.
"Try again!" He called. He made knocking gestures with his hands and then added, "Louder!" I turned back and did what he said. I knocked again - louder. I heard silence, then thumping footsteps. There was a little crackling at the door and it cracked open a bit.
"Hello?" Answered a middle-aged woman.
"Hi, Mom!" I smiled. I presumed it was my mom, because I didn't know. She opened the door even more and spotted Tucker standing at the bottom of the yard, and she shouted, "Come over!" and he made his way up the same path as me.
"Anyway... Sam! Where have you been?! You've been gone for almost 2 days!" She panicked. I had no clue of what to say. I couldn't tell her I'd been kidnapped and that I was punched and my brains fell out, that I don't know anything accept my name and my boyfriend. I looked at Tucker for help.
"I..." I shot him a worried look.
"She.. She was at Jenna's house, and forgot to tell you." Tucker stepped forward.
"Oh. Well, I was worried sick, Sam! Tell me where you are next time!" She said. "Now, come in." Mom smiled, opening the door wider.
"Thanks." I whispered, passing her, and Tucker did the same.
"Just go up to your room," Mom smiled walking through to the kitchen. I looked at Tucker because I didn't know where 'my room' was.
"Follow me." He laughed. We went up the stairs and into a small room containing a bed, a cabinet, and a cupboard.
"Wow. I need to get a cleaner lifestyle. This is such a mess!" I gasped, picking up pieces of garbage and chucking them into a little trash-can in the corner.
"Thanks for stepping in for me." I smiled to Tucker as I slouched down onto my bed.
"Anything for you," He winked.


Upon signing, I hereby promise to post quotes & only quotes. I also promise to be supportive to every witty sister, and to not support jocking. I promise to keep witty the place where girls can help other girls withsimilar problems. I promise not to judge, critize, or make fun.



Bpavlovitch1 - Brittany
illloveyouforeverx3- Taylor ♥

_iwishedforyou_ - ashlyn :)
bdstories / brookeduncanxx

p.s. - sign your name & repost! <3 

chapter twenty-five.
Sam's pov:
I had no clue where I was.
"Where are we?" I asked, when I let go of Tucker.
"You actually don't know?" He said, pocketing his hands. I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders.
"Nope." I muttered.
"We're just off the main road, c'mon," Tucker smiled, grabbing hold of my wrist, taking me away from the woods.
"So..." I awkwardly nodded.
"Yup." Replied Tucker, instantly.
"So I actually dated you?" I blurted, making conversation.
"Mhm." Tucker smiled.
"I don't remember, sorry." I said. He already knew this, of course.
"It's fine. We'll start a-fresh, eh?" He smiled. 
"Sure." I let go of his hand and he walked across the road.
"Stay here. Hold on a sec." He looked both ways and crossed. Then repeated, crossing over to my side again.
"Hey." He said.
"Hey!" I giggled.
"My name's Tucker." He winked.
"Um... I'm Sam?" I played along.
"There.  Now, we're friends." He said, walking again.
"Okay, cool." I laughed.
"So, Sam?" He stopped in front of me.
"I, uh... Although you lost your memory of everything, and you don't know me... I still like you." 
"You do?" I smiled. Tucker nodded.
"And... I want to date you again."
"Are you... Asking me out... Again?" I remembered that we dated before I lost my memory, and before I was kidnapped.
"Um... Yeah," Tucker hesitated.
"Well... I'll give it a go." I smiled as we walked around the corner onto the main road. It was still slightly dark, and all the lights were shining down on Tucker and I.

chapter twenty-four.
Sam's pov:
I panicked and crept away from the three lifeless male bodies before me, into the dark surrounding of trees.
"C'mon Sam. Get out of here." I mumbled to myself, pushing back a long branch as it flipped back and hit me in the stomach. I shot a look behind me. No one was there. I kept walking. I stopped in thought.
"I need to go back and get Tucker." I turned reluctantly and slowly and quietly made my way back to the guys.
After I'd gotten passed that huge branch that hit me in the stomach, the way got a lot easier.
When I got back to them, they were all either rolling about on the floor (sleeping) or slouched over on the tree stump (again, sleeping) crushing their inside organs.
I took a quiet, deep, slow breath and tiptoed over to Tucker (rolling about on the floor). I crouched down and tapped him on the shoulder. He rolled over and saliva was dripping from his mouth as he woke up.
"W- Wha-" He attempted to lift his head.
"Shhh! Ugh, Why did I ever date you?" I questioned myself. He was disgusting!
"Because you loved me." He whispered sarcastically in a childish voice. I just giggled. He was gross, but sweet.
"C'mon," I said quietly, pulling him up. "Let's get out of here, before they wake up!"
Without saying a word, I dragged him through the trees (passed the stupid, evil branch that never even hurt Tucker!) and we made it out onto a quiet pathway. Giggling and out of breath, Tucker and I had made it away.
"Wow." Tucker said. We could talk in full volume now that Charlie and Andrew were out of reach. I didn't reply to Tucker, I just simply strolled over to him, and hugged him for what seemed like forever.

chapter twenty-three.
Sam's pov:
Basically, I was too shocked to even speak. Charlie's words were so fast.
"I kidnapped you and then you were annoying me so I punched you and you were knocked out, then when you woke up and lost your memory." My mouth was wide open. He said it so firm and fast. I couldn't even speak.
"W-What?" I managed. He nodded. I threw myself at him.
"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU?!" I cried, punching and punching at him. Charlie backed away and sat down on a tree stump beside that Tucker guy.
"Aaron told me to." He sighed.
"Who the Hell is Aaron?" I said, calmed a bit. I strolled over to Charlie, Andrew and Tucker.
"Jeez. You don't remember anything," Tucker shook his head and Charlie jumped back in.
"It doesn't matter." He sighed. "But I didn't want to kidnap you. You seem amazing, and you're pretty." He smiled for once.
We sat in silence for about an hour and a half before I just slowly fell asleep, resting my back on a tree behind me.

I woke up, and it was dark, so, I assumed it was either late at night or early in the morning. I looked around me, and everyone was still asleep. I stood up carefully, and peered at Tucker. I really didn't know him anymore and although this was the case, it made me sad to think I did know him once.
I crept over to him, then I realized, while Andrew and Charlie were sleeping, I could make a break for it. If I was quiet enough, I could get away without them knowing. I glanced at Tucker.
Should I take him with me or not?

hey guys! so, i'm gonna do what rmstories did! comment this chapter and tell me whether sam should take tucker with her or not!
*one vote per chapter per person please!:)*

chapter twenty-two.
Sam's pov:
I blinked hard a few times as my black sighed turned normal, and I saw three unfamiliar faces peering down at me. I turned to my side. There were leaves and trees everywhere.
"Am I in a forest?" I thought. I lifted my head slightly and saw three guys. They were all wearing black and one had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
"Charming." I said to myself. I held out my hands to stretch, but, to my surprise, one of the guys grabbed them and pulled me up. I felt uneasy on my feet, and I swayed about a bit.
"Where am I?" I rested my hands on the guy's shoulders.
"Huh?" He slipped away from me.
"Where... Am I?" I repeated. Another boy stepped forward. He looked older.
"You don't remember anything?" He looked at me like I was the most stupid person in the world. I'd felt nothing for him a minute ago, but now pure rage was building up inside me. How dare he look at me like that? I wasn't an idiot!
I shook my head and the boy stepped back.
"Woah." Was his reaction. Suddenly, the guy who'd helped me up rushed forward to me.
"Sam!" He almost pushed me as he grabbed hold of me. I took it Sam was my name.
"What?" I responded.
"You don't know my name?" He cried. I shook my head, clueless.
"Tucker?" He was determined to get answers out of me. "Sam... I'm your boyfriend?!" He came out with. I stammered.
"What?!" I cried. He nodded.
"But... I don't even know you! Or you! Or you!" I bawled, pointing at the other two guys.
"Andrew. Charlie." Said one guy, pointing to him and the guy beside him. The guy beside him was Andrew.
"And why am I here? What the-" A gust of wind took my breath away.
"I'll explain." Stepped forward Charlie, taking a puff of his cigarette.

Tucker's pov:
Charlie had it in for us. Sam and I. He'd smacked Sam right in the face. I felt my stomach churn of guilt.
As she lay on the floor, I fell in love with her all over again. She was beautiful. Everything I wanted. Sam was what I needed, and, seeing her like this made me feel sick with guilt and panic.
She woke, finally. I was so excited! I belted passed Andrew to help her up.
 "Where am I?" She slurred. 
"Huh?" I asked. Surely I heard wrong! She couldn't have forgotten everything?!
"Where... Am I?" She echoed. I sighed.
"You don't remember anything?" Charlie stepped forward.. Her head moved from left to right. No. She didn't know anything. I had no clue what to do. I tried telling her my name, seeing if she recognized it, but, it didn't work.
She'd lost all of her memory, and there was four of us. In the woods. Two of us kidnapped by the other two, not having anything happened.
What normal lives we had.