
Joined: August 31, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 214188


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You're my object of affecion
my drug of choice, my sick obsession
it's Maddie here
i'm 15 and i blow the candles out on April 10th
if you ask, yes, im a sucker for young love
and if you didnt find that out from the profile
theres deffinitly something wrong with you
well... yeah.. dont have much to say
well i like Chris Brown and LMFAO
aslo like the Black Eyed Peas and Selena Gomez
and no, im not one of the million girls out there who love Justin Bieber
but dont hate me just because i dont listen to his music
thats my choice and i can choose what i wanna listen to
and he is not one of them
just to get that over and done with
i also watch degrassi
most of my friends call me addicted to that show but i dont care
its a good show and yes it is addicting
oh well
i also play softball, some volleyball, and i cheerlead
again no, im not one of those snotty stuck up cheerleaders
those ones that you read in books or see in movies
thruth be told, most cheerleaders arent like that
most are really sweet and nice
and people just think of them as bad people
why i dont know and i probably never will
but oh well
they dont wanna get to know them and be nice to them
thats there loss
well thats really it..
 check out my profile and if you leave a comment i'll check out yours
check out some of my friends on here: NLnovels, xxSuperStories12xx, xxxLiveLaughLovexxx, xxStoriesOf Our Livesxx, and OrangeYellow97  
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