
Joined: July 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 197755

Heey guys, im Brittany im absolutely CRAZY and nuts.  i love witty, music and twitter
i am single, hit me upp <3
Purple is my absolute favorite color and my friends are my legit life, there always there for me through thick and thin <3 i love everyone in my homeroom (mostly) and they are amazingg, i love yu guyss ! <3


brittanylovesyoux3's Favorite Quotes

I don't know how Dexter's parents didn't know about Dexter's lab. Their electricity bill had to have been higher than Wiz Khalifa.




that awful moment

when you see a cute shirt... but then realize it says something dumb on it.


I wish guys and girls
could have sleepovers
it being a big deal. 

That One Friend...

Whose laugh is funnier than the joke


 Normal Teenager:  I lost my virginity!
Me:  I lost some followers... 

So I get my period as a reminder that I'm not pregnant?
I'm pretty sure the fact that I'm forever alone is a pretty good reminder that I'm not pregnant. 

Random fac#1

On average a woman will speak about 7,000 words per day while a man will only speak about 2,000.

Should I start a series?

Things People Don't Say #31

"Dude, the Glee version is sooo much better"

Some people dont sleep because they have insomnia,
i can't sleep because i have internet connection.