
Joined: July 6, 2011
Last Seen: 8 years
user id: 191407

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♥ to take photos.
February 23, 1998.
Favorite color:
Follow Me♥
I`ll follow back.

Quotes by camocam19

Now i know

what Peter Pan meant by never wanting to


grow up.


I refuse to sink.

♣Happy St. Patricks Day!♣ 



Your're only young once.

because I'm original....


one Direction


Who said that English was easy. Fill this blank with "YES" or "NO".
1)___I don't have a brain.
2)___I don't have sense.    
3)___I am stupid.                    

Women have a choice,
I just want them to see what they're choosing.

Does the future scare you?
No, just the people who will be there.

Because, I don't know who will be replaced, who will have left, and who will have changed.

When your in a store
and you go down the isle with the motion activated baby dolls and having them all go off, making you run away terrified.


format by jimmy365

Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. It's about that very moment when you find yourself doing something & wishing they were right there by your side.