
Joined: December 18, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 96219

Quotes by canufeelthebraces

You opened it!! Good luck!! tonight at midnight your true love will realize they love you something good will happen between 1:00-4:oopm tomorrow it could be ANYWHERE get ready for the biggest shock of ur lifeIf you don't post this on u r page within 15 minutes your love life will be terrible for the next ten years!
pretty stupid huh?  

only because i think your worth it
only because my guys is  

i wish you never looked at me that way...

what a life to take,

what a bond to break,

we'll be missing you

rip my friend
Laura Szendrei <3
rest in paradise.

Attack life,
its gonna kill you anyway

"You felt it so strong,

but Nothing's turned out how you wanted" '"

i lovee how the quotess say
post after reading or you will have a bad year of relationships,
too late hunny. too damnn late...


"when everything is meant to be broken..."

What Is Love?
Love ; It's easy enough to say you love someone, but when they hurt you, intentionally or not, and you take them back, that's what love really is.