
Joined: October 10, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 128175

Quotes by capababe

Why don't you go hug a weedwacker?

Edward Cullen took the "N" out of vampire fangs.

Hey, I'm wearing skittles lip gloss,
Wanna taste the rainbow? ;)

You remind me of a penny.

Two faced and worthless!
So today, us three were in algerbra. Sitting on the floor working. We tried to stand up, but fell down and started cracking up just outa no where in the middle of class, so our teacher comes over, "ya know someone puked there last week!" We all squirmed away. "HA RETARDS." Ya real encouraging Mr. Venditti!

When your going out with someone,
and you want to make it official over
facebook. :)

I throw my sandwich in the air sometimes!
Singing ayooooooooo i ordered mayooo

I throw my fist up in the air sometimes!
Singing ayooooooo im a guido!

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Nobody now, thanks to BP.