
Joined: December 30, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 61928
I LOVE running and soccer and skiing and eclipse ball and pretty buch every sport except basketball, UGH i hate it.

My friends and i are always coming up with quotes so witty is the perfect place to try them out!
hope you like them!

p.s check out mi amiga, youu_makemesmiile

Quotes by charley13irish

Its Compleatly Possible
 to Love someone you Hate

But its Compleatly and Utterly impossible
to Hate someone you

Ohana means family,
family means nobody gets left behind.
Or forgotten.

-Lilo and Stitch
Faint hearts never won fair lady.

-Peter Pan
I'd rather die tomorrow than live
 a hundred years without knowing you

For with each dawn,
she found new hope
that someday,
her dreams of happiness would come true...

Don't you understand [Tink]?
You mean more to me than anything in this whole world!

-Peter Pan
*to the barney theme song!*

I hate you
You like boys
you like to talk about playing with their toys
with a great big stick
and a net thats three feet tall
dont you want to touch them all?

Made it up about my gym teacher, all he does all class is talk about ball handling for feild hockey.
There was this duck that walked into a bar and sat down in a stool and the bartender said, "Can I help you?"

The duck said, "quack, quack, quack, got any raisins?"

The bartender said, "NO! This is a bar and we don't sell raisins."

The duck walked out and then he came in the next day and sat in the very same stool!

The bartender walked over and asked him if he could help him? The duck said, "quack, quack, quack, got any raisins?"

The bartender said, "NO this is a BAR we don't sell raisins!" So the duck walked out again and left.

He came back the next day and sat in the same stool once again! The duck yelled at the bartender, "quack, quack, quack, got any raisins?"

The bartender said, "NO. And if you come back here once more I am gonna nail your webbed feet to the ground and you are gonna die there."The duck said, "ok", and left.

The next day came and sure enough the duck came back except he only peeped his head inside the door. He said, "quack, quack, got any nails?" The bartender replied, "No!"

The duck said "Good, then you got any raisins?"
A man was sleeping on his deathbed. The man woke up to see his wife silently praying beside him.

He said, " Martha, I have something to confess to you."

She said, "No dear, save your energy."

He said, "I must tell you so I may pass on to heaven, I cheated on you."

She said, " I know, I poisoned you."

Don't Mess With Girls

The policeman had the bar under surveillance a few minutes before closing time, so he could see who comes out drunk.

The first one out the door at 2:00 o'clock weaved down the sidewalk, then fell on the curb. Sluggishly got up, then tried his keys in five cars before finding his own car.

Once inside his car, he fumbled with his keys for 2 or 3 minutes.

Meanwhile, all the club patrons had gotten into their cars and driven away, leaving this one fellow quite alone in the parking lot.

Finally, he got his car started and began to very slowly drive away.

Immediately, the police car was behind him with lights flashing.

The policeman asked the man to take a breathalyser test, to which he readily agreed.

When the reading was 0.0%, the policeman said, "How can this be?"

To which the man replied, "Because tonight, I'm the designated decoy."