
Joined: January 3, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 97728
hehe i luv softball cheerleading and basketball but mostly i luv hanging wif friends and being me!! :p

Quotes by cheerleadinchick98

ok everyone out there stop wif all the cheerleading isnt a sport... because it is.  everyone can have there own thought on cheerleading but that doesnt mean you have to say anything all the people who put soccer is life or basketball is life have you ever thought cheerleading is "that" persons life. i play softball i play basketball and i do cheerleading but you dont see me saying swimming isnt a sport!!
<3 x <3 x <3 x <3 x

you got to want it
more than anything.


in softball sometimes,
you need to rub some dirt
on it.

the blood, the sweat, the broken bones, the hard floor, the skidding across, getting the ball, running like a ninja, getting the winning basket, having the crowd go wild, winning, having fun, the PASSION!

^thats mighty lightning basketball for ya<33333

you try to protect your boyfriend by saying he is not gay....then why did he hit me with his purse??

not mine but this is sooo true! :) luv ya alyssa!! <3

The truth is stranger than fiction because fiction HAS to make sense
Should've said no
should've gone home
       ^should've said no-taylor swift
Why you crying over him?
He is JUST a boy! =p
Im the type of girl...
who will burst out laughing in dead silence at something that happened yesterday! =)
^this is as close to me as a quote can get this happened in chruch 9 weeks ago!! <3
Im the type of girl...
who will burst out laughing in dead silence at something that happened yesterday! =)
^this is as close to me as a quote can get this happened in chruch 9 weeks ago!! <3