
Joined: June 11, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 307732
hi. im courteney.(: follow for follow !

Quotes by courteney_ann

Like if single
Comment "<3" if your in a relationship.

its not that i hate you.
its just if killing people were legal.
you'd be dead by now.
your like a penny.
two-faced and worthless.


2010: your cool if you

have silly bands

2011: planking is boss

2012: HEY!

Let's all go choke

on cinnamon!



If money was actually grown on trees ; girls wouldent mind dating monkeys  (;

I wish memories were like text messages, delete the ones i hate and save the ones i love

  most mothers eat with spoons and forks, and they feed their babies with small spoons and forks. chinese mothers eat with chopsticks, so what do they feed their babies with... CHOPSTICKS? most mothers eat with spoons and forks.
so they must feed their babies with little spoons and forks.
chinese mothers eat with chopsticks.
so what do they feed their babies with?