
Joined: July 28, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 12061
I aboslutly love the New York Yankees... if anyone wants me to make them a certian baseball quote just IM me or you can IM me to chat also.. thanx! Hey any Yankee Fans IM me!

Quotes by crazy4yankees13

I love you <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
but yet, I am still not sure
</3 <\3 <\3 </3 </3

Ah i love Jake! he don't know it!

IM me and we can chat ya'll!
Springscreen, Madanna
Way before Nirvana
U2 and Blonie
When Music was still on MTV
Her two kid in high school
tell her that shes uncool
cuz she's still preocipid
with 19-19-1985!
-Blowling for Soup, 1985-
best song ever!
I hear you talking, Well Its nicer now i'm talking BACK!
Look In my eyes so you can see just where i'm at

-Ashlee Simpson-

IM me I'm a Yankee fan!! (True New Yorker too)
Run, Until I Find You
Runing so fast, Until I hold you
Running Faster, So I can be with you tonight

-Kristin Corcoran-

You might have never heard of her but you will someday
Whats The Difference Between Yankee Stadium Hot Dog And A Boston Hot Dog?
You Can Get Yankee Hot Dogs In October!!

^^ Haha True New Yorker! Love my Yankees!!
any comments IM me on crazy4yankees13
This Girl Meets a Bully and the bully goes You are a Moron!
The Girl Simply Says " No I am not, because if i were i would be a Red Sox fan."
[R][E][D][S][O][X] <-- My Death Drug
[Y][A][N][K][E][E][S] <-- My Anti Drug