
Joined: December 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 248994
My name is Kristen. I am recently single, but have a big crush on someone...I love sports. And do not dress like a slut.


Comments by curleykristenrams8

curleykristenrams8 1 decade ago to theskycries
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Just wondering I could not tell. Not in a bad way... ;)
curleykristenrams8 1 decade ago to theskycries
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How old are you?

curleykristenrams8 1 decade ago to trakel96
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Hi, ummm like forever ago, you asked me if you could use my 2 eyes poem for a project, and yes I did write it myself. And Umm I guess you can if you would like even though you probs already did.
curleykristenrams8 1 decade ago to codysimpson4eva
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Hey... So you are nice I hear. What is up with that first comment from nevercutyourbeutiful?