
Joined: November 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 235288
Heey! (: Im Alaina i am 14 years old and i am in 8th grade. My birthday is on october 8th. I am a blonde and i do have ALOT  of dumb blonde moments...haha. :P I am an easy going girl and it doesn't take much to make me happy. I am a very nice person who is just looking to have fun. Gymnastics and dance is my life! Im not the type of girl who thinks they are too good for anyone. I can pretty much make friends with anyone as long as you can make me laugh and smile. Im different in alot of ways but thats just what makes me, me! Follow me on witty and i will follow you back :)

Quotes by dancebabexoxo

Pretending to care
 about a teachers
personal life,
just to waste
time in class

5 more minutes
of sleep in the
morning really
DOES matter

Mom: "Come with me to the store."
You: "NO!"
Mom: "I'll buy you something."
You: "OK!"

Sometimes i lay in bed
at night and think about
the things i wish
i could say to you. <3


                              Dear boys behind me,
                              Yes i am wearing 
                              headphones, but
                              I am not deaf.

                                          I am well aware
                                          my butt is nice

I hate when i'm in public
and a guy is looking at me
and I don't know if he's thinking

"Dang, she's cute."
"How did that walrus
escape from the zoo?!"


If i had Jimmy Neutron's brain,
Phineas and Ferb's summer,
and Timmy Turner's goldfish...
My life would be perfect.
They say HATE is
a strong word...

But, people throw around

LOVE like it's nothing...</3

25 things girls want guys to know

We love it when you cuddle with us A kiss on the forehead will make us melt Tell us we're beautiful...not fine, hot, or sexy Hold our hands at any moment...even if it's for a second We want you to put your arm around us at the movies we don't care if you're the strongest guy in the world When we're upset hold us tight Size does'nt matter We're always ready to talk so call us We're not perfect...just like you We love surprises The little things mean the most...Honest! We're not always girly girls We like boys stuff too Pick us over all the other girls you hang out with Write us notes....We'd love it! Pick us up, tickle us, and wrestle with us If we're ever mad at you, just kiss us Tell us a joke Let us fall asleep in your arms Give us piggy back rides Treat us the same around your friends as you do when we're alone Look her in the eyes and smile Let us take as many pictures of you as we want If you fall in love with us... tell us