
Joined: February 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 152063

I'm Emily :)
I'm a sophomore; I love to dance; I have the best friends a person could ask for <3;
My life is pretty complicated I guess.
I love listening to music and reading quotes when I have nothing to do. I absolutely LOVE Eminem and Taylor Swift..Weird mix, yes, but they're both a m a z i n g. I've been told I give really good advice, I just wish I cold follow my own.
The quotes, poems and other things I put witty are mine unless i say they aren't:)

 I love when people tell me they love or relate to my things I make up, so comment, favorite, or follow..If you want:)

Quotes by dancer0987654321

And in that moment,
When you watched the sunset with her,
I hope you thought of me..

I hope you missed me, 
I hope you thought about the memories we made,
I hope you regretted giving up..

Please, don't  mention her  name to me..

Because ,

I hate knowing you still talk to the one who stole you away from me </3




I thought you changed..

I thought you were through with your player ways.
I thought you were going stick to one girl this time.
I gave you a while, to think it all through, 
I guess you chose to stay and play your stupid games.  

I guess I'm going to be the one hurt in the end again.. 


I'm not supposed to love you, 
I'm not supposed to care, 
I'm not supposed to live my life wishing you were here..

 But you know what? I do
And it sucks
to be with
out you..



is just another test;

So let's take it,
And ace it. ♥


Would have been our one year..

A year ago today,

He asked me out.

A year ago today,
I was the HAPPIEST girl alive.

A year ago today,
I fell in love, for the first, and last time.

I miss you SO much <|3

Look me in the eyes;
Take my hand;
Tell me you love me, and mean it;
Hold me close, and never let go;

&&Just be mine forever

I'll be the happiest girl on the face of this earth ♥



You've told me you love me,

How many times
in the past year?
How many times when we were dating?
How many times before & after that?

&&Yet when you say

"I love you babe<3"
to me now,
It still gives me butterflies <3


I love everything about you♥

The way you say my name,
Your eyes,
Your amazing, perfect smile,
Your hair,
Your sweetness,
The way you treated me,
The way you would call me out of no where,
How you first held my hand, and we both looked at each other straight in the eyes and smiled,
How you held me close at all times,
How we would be on the phone every night, ALL night,
How you were so protective of me,
How you would sing to me over the phone like an idiot♥
How you're so trustworthy,
How you always knew what to say,
How you always knew how to make my day 1000000000x's better,

I just love you♥ Everything about you. If only you still felt the same way about me..


What ever happened to forever?
To "We won't break up cause we love each other that much and we won't fight."?
What happened...?
I really do still love you.
I've been through way too much drama to not keep trying.
Through fights with peoplethrough people saying crap about me&&us;  through a lot.
We got through it because we didn't give up.
I still believe we will be together again; so do many other people.
going to keep fighting for you.
I'm not giving up<3
