
Status: single
Joined: June 25, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 311951
Location: massachusetts
Gender: F
I am a dancer and it's like one true love to be out on the dance floor in my ballet shoes. One day I hope to be on broadway or in a company...but right now, I'm still a teen. Oh, yeah, I run too. Track that is.I have a baby sister though and she is THE single cutest thing yeah that's about it.

Quotes by dancer87

I haven't made a quote in I don't know how long. And right now, I'm super glad is good.
So today, I wore a printed pencil skirt to school. A lot of people told me I looked really pretty and I looked really good or "cute". Even some of the popular girls that don't really like me. It seriously made my day. I now have renewed faith that the people at my school aren't all bad. Thanks guys. <3 
I'm thinking about posting a story that I'm writing on here.
This is the plot: A group of friends live in a town where there is a new serial killer. When they find out that it's one of them, will they give their friend up to the police? Or harbor the secret to help them stay safe?
If you would like to read ths, then fave or comment. I'll do it if i get 7+ faves / comments.
Love, Hailey.
Me during the first week of school: *sits quietly, does all work*
Me during the rest of the year: *walks in room and throws books on desk* YO!! TEACH, I NEEDA TAKE A WAZ!!!!
Me:*gets 5 faves*
Me: I love everyone who faved this! I feel so loved! I'm witty famous now!

Actual witty famous person: Only 234 faves today? But I still love you all!
My ringtone is Everybody Talks by Neon Trees.
That's right, soak in the irony....
So i looked at my battery life and it said '69%'
my computer is a dirty h*e!

*When they first predicted the world would end in 2012*
everyone: Oh my God!!!!! We are going to die! Honey, get the kids into a shelter!!!!

*now.(4 months away from December 2012)*
everyone: eh, we'll be fine. hey, do we have chocolate in this house? I wonder what One Direction is up to? I'm going on facebook.

me walking my dog at a normal time of the month: *uses that special voice for animlas and babies only* Go peepee. Yes i know, i saw that doggie too. Let's go, good boy. I love you! you are so cute!

*when we get home* You walked so good! I'll take you again later, baby puppy! Wanna cuddle?

me walking my dog at THAT awful time of the month: *uses that voice that is a quiet angry because I don't want anyone else that is in the public place to hear me* Come on! I really do NOT want to pick up your poop! Seriously? Stop pulling! Yes dummy, I noticed the people and that stupid pole that you dont need to pee on! I want to go home! As soon as we get home, I'm leaving you and going to buy chocolate!!!!!

mom: You're immature
me: I'm so mature that I drink my iced coffee through an Elmo straw!
baby sister:
mom's boyfriend:
me: ..........