
Joined: June 21, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 113049
Gender: F

if you'll love me in my dreams,


the name is matea, [ma-tay-a] i'm sixteen years old, and i love life. love me or hate me, i promise it won't break me. that's how my parents raised me. don't like my quotes? don't look at them.
smile. life's beautiful,
and so are you. :)


stop believing the liars, trusting the backstabbers, & loving the heartbreakers.


 i don't think i'll love or rely on anyone more than i do with music.

then baby i'll sleep forever.

Quotes by dancer_girl1928

if you're reading this, congratulations.
you're alive.
and if that's not something to be happy about,
i don't know what is.


your face is fine, but you might wanna put a paper bag over that personality.

Today,  my boyfriend told
me that he loved me.
When I asked why, he took
out a list. It was 339
reasons long & he said he
had a pen in his
back pocket in case he remembered any new ones.
his love gives me hope :)

trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone
you never met. ♥

get on my level. oh wait, you can't..
're already on your knees. (;






that's why hearts have a beat


don't  depend too
much on anyone in
this world, because

even your own
shadow leaves you
when you're
d a r k n e s s


"I wasn't that Drunk!"
Dude, you kept shouting 'never!' at my justin bieber posters..



                the more often people talk behind your back, the more
                often you're on their mind. be proud.  


To wish you were someone else
is a waste of the person that you are.
