
Joined: June 26, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 312335
I'm David
"Jack of all trades, master of some"
I'm 15.
Baseball player and fan, Halo player, music lover.
Pasadena, California
"I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe"
Some random things I like include movies, ping-pong, Converse, the beach, and good music. Oh and I love Jacuzzing. Respect.

What you see depends on what you're looking for.

From Urban Dictionary...

The Dena, the one and only. the only place where you can find thugs, white kids that wanna be thugs lol, preps and some serious rednecks. You either don't care about your car, put a fart pipe on it, or lift it sky high. Where you make friends for life and live for the moments. You may say its boring,but everybody knows you wouldn't trade it for anything else. Always overlooked, but never forgotten. No matter where you go, your roots will always be with the DENA.
pasadena is the shit
Feel free to send me a message if you want my twitter, facebook, or email.

Quotes by davidghasgotthebeat

"I throw the middle finger up in almost all of my pictures because my mentality is f*ck you until you prove I should take it back."

"The good die young so I wanna grow old."
"Hindsight 20/20,
         Future not as clear."
#591. Stabbing someone in the back is cowardly. Stabbing someone in the front is still like, not a nice thing to do. - Brotips
If it's something they can't change, it's kinda f*cked up to judge them on it. Take this to heart.

 If life's getting to you, remember that "stressed" backwards is "desserts". You need what you need, regardless of whether or not you're insecure. There's little more attractive than a girl that is willing to sit with a bro and eat ice cream with him.

#150. You'll surprise yourself with what you're capable of. If you bite off more than you can chew, f*cking chew it anyway. - Brotips

#122. She wants to talk to you just as badly as you want to talk to her. She's waiting for your text, bro. Go for it. - Brotips

"Have some ambition. There are way too many baristas and not enough cowboy astronaut nobel prize-winners."
The only person you should be trying to be better than is the dude you were yesterday.