
Joined: July 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 189621

Quotes by deathdream47

90% of people
marry their 7th - 12th grade love.

Since you have read this,
you will be told good news tonight.
If you don't repost this,
im happy to hear this!
your worst week starts now
Dear Spider,
You are tiny. I am a great big person. I am a grown up. I can handle this. You are tiny. I am a great big pe- OMFG IT MOVED!!!
Dear O.J.,
Thanks for the advice!
Dear girls at my school,
School is for education, not prostitution.
Dear teacher,
Please stop moving my seat in class. I will talk to whoever I sit next to, I promise.
Sincerely, chatty Kathy
Dear "Employees Must Wash Hands" sign,
Shouldn't you be an "Everyone Must Wash Hands" sign?
Dear person I dislike,
It's not that I hate you, it's just that if you were drowning and I had an extra oxygen mask, I would use it to blow bubbles instead.
Dear girl trying on clothes at the mall,

  If you have to ask "Does this top make me  look slutty?" you probably already know the    answer.
Dear scholarships,
We only make up 15% of the world population, so that makes us a minority, right?
Dear boys,

    Please find new ways to break my heart.   
I'm running out of ways to put it into a song.