
Joined: October 30, 2010
Last Seen: 7 years
user id: 131015

Quotes by dezi196

That awkward moment when Nelly is trying to get his usher on.




Am I the only one...
 who flips through every page in a magazine
instead of using the table of contents.


Pretending to listen to what your parents are saying then not knowing what they asked you to do later.
"Hey I had this dream and you we it!"
"Really what happened?"
"Nothing much you just died."
"Oh that's nice."

Don't you hate it how when you're about to leave the house you feel like you're forgetting something then when you actually leave you remember what it was?
Today I got dragged to the mall by my mom then I saw this mannequin and decided to get a closer look at the outfit and when I was about to touch the shirt the mannequin moved. My mom came over and started yelling at me for touching strangers clothes it was actually a lady.


It took me 206 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop!!

My little sister is trying to show me she's cool by singing the alphabet, it's been 8 minutes and she's still not done.