
Joined: October 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 333208
Gender: F
Hey there beautiful! This is not my first witty, but this is my secret witty so im not gonna mention my name. I made this witty for one purpose and one only to help you guys. If you are someone who has, cut, thought about suicide, or really just need to vent im here for you. Do not be afraid to talk to me or speak up. You are beautiful and dont forget it. If you ever feel like you are worth nothing and no one loves you remember i love you and i am here for you!! xxoo stay strong!

dontcut_behappy_imhere_foryou's Favorite Quotes

So last night I was just sitting at home when I received a message from my ex boyfriend.
He told me that he had to tell me something really important.
I was scared of what he was going to say because the last time we talked was over a year ago & we were yelling at eachother.
He sends me this really long message telling me that he recently found out that he was bisexual & lost his virginity to a guy.
I started crying.
Not because he was bisexual,
or because he has intercourse with a guy,
but because he trusted me enough to tell me.
Now, were bestfriends again
& Im happier than ever.