
Joined: August 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 202326



Quotes by drsarax

that moment when you have million things on your to-do-list

Bruno Mars goes on the radio : today i don't feel like doing anything,
i just wanna lay in my bed -.-

i fell for some lies
now I'm falling apart form
the  t r u t h.

that moment when you keep refreshing the page waiting for a

n o t i f i c a t i o n

Don't hate a girl because she is   b e a u t i f u l

and never love a girl because she is   s m a r t

it doesn't matter who you have been or who you'll be

what matters is who you

NO,my heart doesn't skip a beat when i think of you  

cause if it does i would be dead by now.



is the only diary that we didn't fail to keep

you used to *light my dark
*keep warm
& *keep me company when i was sick

i thought i'd never say this
but you were replaced by
a Table Lamb
a Sheet
& a Teddy Bear


we think there is a huge difference between

>growing up <


>growing apart<


when actually growing up is just an excuse
for growing apart.