
Joined: April 23, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 106947

My name is Lexi. I trust no one, & I love making quotes.

dtnelexigurlyxo's Favorite Quotes

Alright, so I heard about witty as a great place to find lyrics&quotes. I started too look into it & I favored all the quotes that reminded me of my life. </3. Me & my boyfriend had been going out for over a year. I thought it was going great until one night ' my best friend ' went to a party with him that i wasnt invited too. Scared enough already, that night he broke my heart</3. I was up until 4 in the morning crying; I felt part of me was gone because he made me so happy & I didnt think I could live without him. He still to this day likes me; but likes my bestfriend also. I would do anything to have him back. One part of me is saying it will all work out & the other side of me is saying mabye where done for good. The part that hurts the most was remebering all the goodtimes we had together before her... Our first kiss was December 31st, 2008 11:59 right before the ball dropped on New Years Eve. His family brought me to New York over the summer & It was so much fun. He would always invite me over & we would play basketball in his driveway until 11 at night. Everytime he came over my house he would wrap me in his arms & tell me he was never going to let me go or hurt me. I soon relized he lied.. His family was so sweet to me & I also miss them a ton. As i said about witty, I saw alot of posts where girls letting out there feelings since "Witty" is like an online diary. I honestly dont know what to do anymore, Ive tryed getting over him & I just cant. Please comment & help me. </3. Everyday without him, is just more & more upsetting. Im so heartbroken</3

If I get 500 likes on this, I will ask him out tomorrow on Valentines Day. 
I hope I don't have to/;

i would love for you to come back and talk to me again
i know your in a better place but its not fair
i want to see your adorable dimples one more time
and no not in pictures, in person. its not the same</3
i look at the pictures i have on my iPod and it breaks my heart
i wish you could be here again
i wish august 26th never happened</3
please Kevin come back

Patrick; it's called 'The Ugly Barnacle'.
Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was SO ugly that e v e r y o n e died.

not my format

I must admit;
when I take of a guy's shirt and he has a six pack
he automatically becomes
a whole lot more sexy


Dear Gingers,
It's okay, parents don't let their kids play with us either...
Sincerely, Matches. 


----> A kid gave his teacher
a blank piece of paper.

Teacher:  What is this?
Kid: It's a drawing of a cow eating grass.
Teacher: *looked at the paper* Where's the grass?
Kid: The cow ate all of it.
Teacher: *looked at the paper again* Then, where's the cow?
Kid: It left because there was no more grass..


Strangers Friends
Ex's           Lovers


Well i was enchanted to meet you.♥