
Joined: August 17, 2010
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 121196

Quotes by duckmister87

Youve got more dick in your personality than your pants.

nmf. ♥it.
Never regret anything.
because at one time, it was exactly what you wanted.
Oh well.
I'm getting with your best friend.

lolll. all mine. ♥it.
Why did the little boy drop his ice cream?
because he got ran over by a truck.
all mine. ♥it.
And i still wonder what goes through your head when you hear my name...
forever alonee. nmf. ♥it?(;
are like fat people.
Most of them don't work out.

nmf. not trying to be meann. ♥ it. (:
nuff said. press the ♥(:
all you witty girls, go on this website!(: i promise you that it will make you smile!  
press the ♥ if you smiled.