
Joined: December 23, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 141534

hey we are new to witty but we hope you guys like our quotes!!!!!

Quotes by emnic2413

You think you know everything about me.
Trusy me hun i'm not who you think i am
"And then she [Mama] prayed the strangest prayer ever said:
"I wanna thank You Lord,
noisy children and slamming doors,
clothes scattered all over the floor,
my husband
workin' all the time,
draggin' in
dead tired at night,
never ending messy kitchen
and dirty dishes."
We all got real still and quiet,
And daddy asked "Honey, you alright?"
She said, "Dear, ain't nothing wrong,
noisy kids are happy kids,
and slamming doors just means we live
in a warm and loving home
Your long hours and those dishes in the sink
means a job and enough to eat."
- Scotty McCreery "Dirty Dishes"

Take these words into consideration if this reminds you  of your home at all be greatful for what you have just like Mama and never take what you have forgranted.

If I had a penny for every time
I thought of
I would have only
1 penny
because I never stop
thinking about him!

nmq nmf

That Moment When...
you want to cry because u
think you're being ignored
and you haven't seen this person
in ages and u really miss them :/ 

nmq but this is how i feel rite now <3
Going to a place where you know he will be then looking around and saying
"how the hell is he gunna notice me in this crowd of beauty queens"
 When I'm 90... 

I'm getting a tattoo that says



When everyone pokes and pries for me to break and admit what's wrong the only thing that makes me break is that one song that summarizes exactly how I feel  


Love [luhv] noun, verb,
loved, lov-ing                  
When you don't want to 
sleep because reality  is   
way better than a dream

*not my format! but this my quote!


Is everything in a relationship

(Kissing each other does not count as a common interest)