
Joined: March 8, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 48520
Tiffany is the name ; being true is the game <3

Hello (: Howdy (: Hola (: Hi (: 

Hey yall XD I'm Tiffany, a 14 year old girl 

Living in the big city of New York

Yes, be jealous <3

Currently a freshman in H.S - It's love :]

I've been through a lot.. Like yeah's I'm a badass XD

I've learned that there are no such thing as BFF'S just BFFN'S =O

Well anyways, I'm freaking cool & loud & umm totally awesome.

My accent makes you jealous :P

Brooklyn Babeeeee :D

Taken ♥ 9.24.09 

I am an extremely nice person, write to me♥

Follow me on twitter -> @TiffanyxP

Love you all (;

Anyways.. I TAKE REQUESTS ON anything :)

--- GotTiffXD