
Joined: January 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 144021
sobs, sniffles, & Smiles♥
Thow much does a polar bear weight? enough to break the ice. Hi there my names kaitlyn and welcome to my witty. :) I'm fourteen and was born with the ability to make the oddest faces at the most non-convenient times. i live in a small city in new york, i guess you can say i live by the quote 'small city; big dreams' no, just because i live in new york doesn't mean that i fall asleep to the sound of horns honking and sirens or huge building and gorgeous lights, but that is where i hope to live when i grow up. music is a big part of my life along with friends and family. I have been a theatre 'geek since i was young and absolutely love acting and singing! i hope to grow up and work at disney as snow white, but thats just one of my far-fetched dreams. I like to think of myself as being genuine and try to be the best person i can possibly be. I love meeting new people and love listening to people's problems, so if you ever want to make a new friend or just chat feel free to comment! I'm currently addicted to tumblr and mac and cheese.  I'm single and will probably be forever alone. I may seem like the typical teenage girl but im definitely anything but ordinary. You will never find me without my phone or ipod. If you bring me food (preferably pizza or chocolate milk) or take me shopping we can be bestfriends forever. 

Youtube; http://www.youtube.com/user/kkaateeisafreak?feature=mhee
WeHeartIt; http://weheartit.com/kaitlynisagoon


Quotes by eventhebeautifulbreakdown

To think that i mighnot see those eyemakeiharnot to cry.
as we say our long goodbye i nearly die.


i'm getting sick of being played, i wish you would just be straight forward with  me. i'm sick of blinking back the tears, and dealing with the huge lump in my throat when i think of you and her. i'm not going to sit here and be your secret anymore, and be here for you to say you love me when you just 'feel like it' i am not your back up plan and I'm most definitely not your friend with benefits. i deserve so much more than this, i deserve someone that puts me first, someone that gives a sh*t about me. the worst part about this, is that after you do all of this, i still f**king love you with all my heart. i trust you with everything, and you are the only person that knows every single thing about me. people laugh because we look at each other like we are married, we have conversations where we stay locked into each others eyes for what seems like forever. the butterflies you give me are like vicious i swear, they like punch and kick my insides, even if its just when we brush against each other. i love how you arent afraid to apologize for something you did, even if it means you have to grab me and whisper in my ear 'im really sorry', the way you pick on me, just to see if i'll get mad at you enough to hit you (i never do). and your smile, id do anything i could to make you smile - the way your cheeks get red,your eyes squint up and twinkle then you lean your head back. i love how at the most random moments, you will tell me how beautiful i am, or how much you love me. the worst part of it all...is you aren't even mine, and im sure if you were mine, id love you more than any other girl has or will, but im not gonna be here forever.

Yocan keep knocking 

but you wont knock me down
nlove lost; nlove found.

lilwayne.* nmf.

i live for the nights that  i can't remember
with the people i won't forget. 


Remember those ‘I love you more’ fights?
l o o k s  l i k e  i w o n.

Its tough when someonspecial.
Starts to ignore you,
but its even tougher

when you have to pretend

that you don’t mind.



imagine anything 
because I imagined it all
w i t h  y o u »


The good thing about music is..

that when it hits you; you feel no pain.

bob marley*