
Joined: January 15, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 146634



My name is Robyn and I am 14. My birthday is the 2nd of May, making me a taurus. Unfortuneately I was also born in year of the bull, so I am a little bit stubborn. xD
I love to read and write (mostly fantasy and romance), I hope to be an author when I grow up but I will need another job just incase my books are boring.  I love arts and crafts, like sketching, making stuff and fixing things.

However I have to fix alot of stuff as I am a disaster magnet and I trip and fall all the time and have an uncanny nack to dropping stuff and knocking things over. I also seem to attract all danger within a 100 metre radius, and whenever I go to theme parks they tend to breakdown alot, don't go on the rollercoaster with me. It is very embarassing and I blush so easily =[
I hate public speaking and tend to be quite shy. 

Well thats a bit about me and I hope you like my quotes.


Quotes by evermore1

What are you looking at?

Sorry what was that? I was staring into your eyes... 

I am just a hopeless romantic

stardoll forever



Golden  love♥

♥My orbit♥
Love is a fairytale so hard to find,
yet here we are our fingers entwined.
Without you my heart feels cold
when you stand near your mine to hold.

Let go I will not unless it's your wish
,because how can one live without your kiss.
Moments lost yet seeming so fast
hours we can spend making them last.

Every movement you make
every touch is it real?
Your my moon, my sun ,my orbit
my here.

Love is your gift, that though I do not deserve
I could not give back, for not even the world.

By evermore1 (Robyn)


E v e r y n i g h t   I    w i s h  u p o n   a   s t a r   t o   be    near    you    where  y o u   a r e
You eated my cookie?
of course I did, we're best friends xD