
Status: Dare to dream
Joined: December 17, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 251777
Location: Holland/Spain
Gender: F

 hi there ,

my name is lisanne im 14 years young

i came on witty because i needed a place to vent

a place to tell people how i really feel i live in holland a small country between france and germany

but im  born in the wrong country . when i get older i want to move to england or to america .

since i was young i play the guitar i write my own songs but i never preform them .

i want to be a stewardess when i get older . i want to travel around the world i want to see

incredible places i want to see everything .

i hope i inspire people with my quotes because that's one of the main reasons i came here .

i want to help people who are in trouble and need advice .

remember i will always be here for you .





fashiontoday's Favorite Quotes

I'll go out there and make
my mistakes.

I’ll fall down, get hurt, cry, laugh, love, and get back up.
I’ll stand on the highest mountaintop
and go into the deepest caverns.
I’ll roam across the world,
visit the moon and swim in outer space.
I’ll let my imagination run wild and let my spirit soar.


Because when my life flashes before my eyes
in those final moments,
I want to have something worthwhile to watch,
with plenty of love and laughter, good times and bad.
I don’t want to regret a thing and I plan not to.

it’s not usually the things you do that you regret,
it’s the things you don’t do and leave unsaid.

Laugh out loud.
Cry in the rain.
Love with all your heart and soul.
Get hurt.
Tell the truth.
Go crazy.

But never forget that you only get one shot.
One shot at this day, one shot at this minute.
One shot at this age.
One shot at life.

So make sure your life is one you will enjoy watching
in your final moments.”

                                                         -Anna Floyd


Theres so much I cant say
when I look in your eyes,

I’m worried you’ll reject me, and hurt my foolish pride.
Each day this love grows stronger
but I could never let you know.
There is so much behind my smile, that I could never show.
I’d hold you for a lifetime if you would let me in.
I’d love you like no other,
but you don’t understand...

Every time I see you, you are holding on to her.
The pain is like a knife - cutting deep in my soul,
so I’ll dream of us together,
of just how it could be and all that you are
will remain a silent part of me.


It makes me start
to wonder

what in my life was ever real.
Rather, who in my life, was real.
Because in the end words are nothing.
It’s so easy to let certain things out of your mouth.
It’s so easy to sweet-talk,
it’s so easy to lie.
So words mean nothing, it’s about actions.
Actions speak louder than words ever could.

Do you know
what hurts the most?

You’ll never be mine and I’ll never be yours.

We’ll be two people with separate lives.
You will never see me the way that I see you.
I know that I could wish on every falling star,
but my wish would be worth nothing.

‘Cause you’re just a dream
and I’m the dreamer.

Im the girl whos never
been given a chance,

the girls who’s always been single,
who’s always had a crush on a guy that didn’t care.
I’m the girl who hides her feelings,
the girl who doesn’t know how to flirt,
who’s always lying when the tears are falling.
I’m the girl who wonders what’s wrong with her,
who’s always thinking about what could have been.


Thats the problem with
being strong

People think they can say or do anything to you
and you’re gonna still be standing,
sturdy like a rock.
People think that you’re never going to be sad,
people think that you’re never going need them
to be there for you,
people expect you to be there for them
round the clock even though
you have your own battles to fight.
That’s the problem with being strong...


Liking someone
really sucks

because there are those moments when you think
you have a slight chance
but then the next second you realize
how stupid you are and you know
they’d never like you back...


You began to cry ,
just crying.

The deep and ugly kind,
the kind you lose yourself in,
though you’re thanking God that no one has to see
how rubbed and blotched your face becomes.
Though some detached part of you also wishes
there was someone there to see you now,
to see and understand just how sad you are at heart.

They don’t see it, and of course,
you would never show them
that side of you.


I wish you would just
show up on my doorstep.

Not with anything special,
just you.
And when I’d open the door, you’d smile.
And while I’m trying to figure out what you’re doing here,
you’d tell me how hard the past months have been,
how much you’ve thought about me.
And then you’d take me into your arms .
Then you’d grab my face and kiss me,
and everything would be
perfect .


If youve ever
tried to fight tears on the bus ride home, and failed.
If you’ve ever lied about why your eyes were glazed over,
and you were believed.
This one’s for you.
If you’ve ever stopped listening to your favorite band
because he liked them too.
If you’ve ever hated a girl you didn’t know
because he picked her over you.
This one’s for you.
If you’ve ever wished you were weak enough to cry in public.
If you’ve ever constantly hid behind laughter and smiles.
This one’s for you.
If you’ve ever bit your lip to stop it from quivering.
If you’ve ever walked with your eyes planted on the ground.
This one’s for you.
If you’ve ever stared into the darkness before sleep,
trying to avoid the ‘what’s if’s’ and ‘if only’s’.
If you’ve ever listened to totally different music,
but ended up thinking about him anyway.
This one’s for you.
The girl who doesn’t get the guy.
The girl who still lives her life to the fullest she can.
The girl who gets up every day and doesn’t give up.
This one’s for you,
because it takes so much to be that strong.

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