
Joined: May 13, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 76283
f a y t h
Going to miss everyones pretty faces.
Cheyanny June,Gabby Loomis, Taigan Reed, Emily Bradley, Willow Bucherri, and Pearl Schramm...break my </3

Other than that I' ve got brown hair,
blue eyes,
fair skin
a freckle on my ass
I'm a preeetty awesome peson to be around, I joke, laugh, make others laugh. From Alaska born and raised. Till I moved to Vermont and made the best friends I'll ever have.

My saying;

Life is better

(like carmel tan, not cocoa mocha tan.)

fayth_moffitt's Favorite Quotes


 i just had to post this one last quotte</3

it's like they're walking on glass when they're around eachother.
he tries not to look at her,
while she glances in his direction every few seconds.
not because he hurt her,
and not because they broke up.
actually, it's because
they're both trying to avoid falling for each other

and getting hurt in the end.