
Status: idk
Joined: August 5, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: February 2
user id: 203964
Location: virginia yo
Gender: F



Comments to solyh*

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theyareallpretenders 9 years ago
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theyareallpretenders 9 years ago
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Soly omg hello you dumbo
theyareallpretenders 1 decade ago
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Oh my Gosh, I can just imagine you dancing to your new song on witty. With all your neck movements of ethipian culture and your chest pumping. God, Soly, it's disturbing having that scene of you in my head al day. ha.
btw, hello.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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omg i literally just laughed out loud because that is so true. you know me so well *sniffs*. and heyyy
theyareallpretenders 1 decade ago
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lol how can not think of it tho. You are always doing all these crazy things out of nowhere, they dont even surprise me anymore. btw i just read your comment in my mind with your little squeaky excited voice. gosh its creepy.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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omg what squeaky excited voice ?¿?¿
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Sassy- possessing the attitude of someone endowed with an ungodly amount of cool. (Just checked up the definition)

Not trying to be BITTER or SASSY or whatever you call it, but your song is....less than good. :)
solyh* 1 decade ago
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jk don't hate me
solyh* 1 decade ago
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solyh* 1 decade ago
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actually your music taste just kind of sucks. srry.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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You mean cause I'm embracing my culture and heritage by using a Nigerian folktale as my profile music.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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oh really, that's cool. i didn't listen to it. :p
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Did you change your profile picture to spite me?
solyh* 1 decade ago
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does it...bother you?
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Wow. I see you really did pimp out your profile just in time for Christmas....just in time....just in sooner than you needed to...nope, just in time. Oh, and I see you finally changed your profile pic. That's a relief.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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yup just in time! what was wrong with my profile pic?
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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It looked like a vain attempt at a subtle duckface.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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my lips are naturally pouty!
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Thought it was.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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You seriously need to start replying to texts.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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i'm so frustrated with my phone that i don't even like looking at it unless necessary. most of the keyboard is frozen or slow. plus i keep it off so it doesn't randomly call people.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Tell your mom your phone's crap. She can probably get it upgraded. Maybe even for free. My mom convinced the at&t people to upgrade our phones for doesn't make sense if you're paying for a plan, but you don't even get to use it. By the way, is your phone a touch screen?
solyh* 1 decade ago
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we have t-mobile, we can upgrade for free. but my mom says she needs to see my grades first. and no it isn't.
disposition 1 decade ago
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yh. your comment is true.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Not that I care or anything, but did Lettuce ride your bus today? Again, it's not like I care...just curious.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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just curious, huh? haha but no he didnt.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Oh...okay. I really was just curious though. Wendy said she saw him on your bus, but I could've sworn I saw him getting on a different bus.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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solyh* 1 decade ago
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i know where he lives omg.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Oh my potater tots! Where?! Tell me! Tell me now! Tell me everything you know. Everything.

Again, not that I care. I really was just wondering...
solyh* 1 decade ago
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foxchase! right where the scruffy luis lives! also where diane lives. you sure you dont care? ;)
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Positive. But wait-- so both Luis' live at foxchase? And they both just started riding your bus on the exact same day???
solyh* 1 decade ago
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nah scruffy luis has been on my bus since 7th or 8th grade.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Oh wow. Well, if you ever feel an urge to stalk lettuce or find out what building and/or apt. number he lives in, um....well, feel free to let me know. Surreptitious pictures of him are also welcome...
solyh* 1 decade ago
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solyh* 1 decade ago
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;) nooope.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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I'm just gonna go ahead and ignore the fact that you never paid the time of day to my last comment on your profile...and still send you all the links to t-shirt yarn and all that has to do with.

Here's the link to the picture tutorial of how to make the headband. I didn't actually use this tutorial; I used a video tutorial that I can no longer find. But I'm sure you can find a video on how to make a five strand headband somewhere on Youtube...

You'll need t-shirt yarn to make the headband so here's the link to make it. This is the continuous t-shirt yarn which is my favorite kind of tarn (t-shirt yarn).

And here are some other t-shirt yarn projects that you could possibly do guessed it- Pinterest!

Oh, well...I just found you this video on Youtube on how to make the five strand headband...but it's a lot easier to understand it in comparison to the picture tutorial cause it's a video, not just pictures. You should probably skip to like two minutes or something cause the lady talks through a lot of the video.

And last but not least, here are some pictures that I took of my own fabulous headband. It's not sewn, and it's my very first one so it kinda looks a tad bit ratchet... ;) And I don't really like how it looks as a headband, so I use it as a necklace instead. Aqui are the pictures:

Yep, I'm in love with t-shirt yarn!
solyh* 1 decade ago
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thanks, i know what i'll be doing this weekend ;) oh and the reason i didn't reply is b/c sometimes witty doesn't notify me when i have new comments.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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It just wouldn't be right to not share this. It's a remix of Lullabies, which was probably my 'favorite song forever' last-last summer (2012). I think you'll like the remix better than the original though. Not going to lie, I did. You're welcome in advance. ;)

If you want, you can just check out all the adventure club remixes. They are hands-down THE BEST remixes on the face of the earth. You should definitely check out the remix of Youth. Never mind, I'll just post a link.

Again, you're welcome...
solyh* 1 decade ago
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i already knew youth but the first one was really good
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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I'm in STEM.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Y'know 'those' people tried to put me in STEM? They sent me a letter saying I was accepted, but the thing is I never signed up. Really, they're just so clingy. I'm writing a letter saying that I don't want to be in their program.

Also, you never replied to my last message. You should do that right about now...
solyh* 1 decade ago
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lol yes do that. :3
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Y'know orientation starts at 4:30 and ends at 6:00?! I don't think the people who made that idiotic decision actually know what time most parents get off work. The typical workday is 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM which are my mom's hours, and she gets home past 6:00. Really, I don't know a single parent that gets home as early as 4:30. What is this stupidity? It's as if they don't want us to come.

Oh, and I have a feeling you already know it...
solyh* 1 decade ago
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So you're not going? Oh and I do know it ;)
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Figured you would. And unless I'm gonna walk there or take the bus (neither of which I plan on doing), no, I'm not going. Are you?
solyh* 1 decade ago
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JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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I really can't. I live too far away to walk, and my mom probably won't let me go on the public bus alone. How are you gonna get there anyway? Is your mom driving you?
solyh* 1 decade ago
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Aww, it would have been nice seeing you :3 And yeah she is. Btw, what do you think of my profile (i made some changes) Oh and listen to the song on my profile too. I think you'll like it.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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It's a nice profile. Not that much different from you last one though. I see you went minimalist with you About Me thing, and got a totally irrelevant profile picture. Maybe I should change my profile pic to this guy:
What do you think?

Oh, and the song's okay. It's calming and kinda fits with your background. Makes me think of floating away in the ocean.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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also this---->
this guy's songs are super great (the recommendations are also great)
solyh* 1 decade ago
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1. Yeah I think it's a nice change..
2. My profile picture isn't irrelevant! It's Will Graham from the t.v. series Hannibal.
3. I think that's a very handsome fellow ;)
4. And that's why I picked it :3
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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The guy I was gonna pick was also a very handsome fellow. He's from Brown University Comedy show. Would you advise me changing my profile to him? Cause he's as relevant to me as Will Graham is to you...

Oh, and your songs are starting to scare me. They're getting progressively more hypnotic. Really, it's freaky. ;[
solyh* 1 decade ago
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Yes, and I was saying that the guy you showed me was a handsome fellow. :3
Oh, I know. Isn't it great?
ShortGirlsDoItBetter 1 decade ago
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Ask me questions anonymously!
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Hello there. I don't know what you're doing right now, but I do know what you should be doing. Reading this:
You're welcome in advance.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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I love it! :D
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Hello there. Remember me? The person that single-handedly saved you from the pile of ruble known as your social life...or in your case, your lack of social life? Well, due to my extreme friendliness and need to keep it touch with 'friends' (so I know they're still alive), I just stopped by to say a cordial hello. Oh, and to let you know that I lied. There are no summer volleyball least not in Alexandria. They're all in fall. So you, Tensae, and I won't be having any fun summer memories. Okie dokes then...toodeloo!
solyh* 1 decade ago
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HELLO :D Yeah, I looked it up a couple weeks ago -_- I MISS YOUR STUPID FACE GOSH *hugs 5ever*
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Numero uno, my face isn't stupid. Numero dos, you know my policy with hugs...
solyh* 1 decade ago
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Yeah, yeah. *hugs more* How has your summer been? Did you see anyone from school? :o
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Unfortunately...I've seen like five people I know so far...and that's five more people than I would have liked to see. If I see just one more person (especially if it's you), I really just won't go out anymore. At all.

But apart from those dastardly people who just 'blew' some of my days--like really, why do they feel the need to pop up at places that they know I'll be at without any given warning?-- my summer's actually been pretty darn tootin amazing! I just kinda sit inside all day with the AC on, wallowing in self pity, stuffing myself up with heart attack prone foods, and listening to kids my age have fun and get physically fit while they play soccer right outside my window. Yep, I'm living the life! I even bought a potty training chair for myself so I don't have to get up to go to the bathroom. How great is that? Pretty darn great, I know!

But less of me, how's your summer been? Not as great as mine, I suspect.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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Sooo great ._. The only productive thing I'm doing is taking ballet. That's like the only time I leave the house aside from when I have to go to the library. I have a list of books and shows I need to read/catch up on. Oh, and I have to retake Algebra (even though I passed the SOL). Are you exited for school or what!? I CANT WAIT TO bUY SCHOOL SUPPLIES. I love fresh notebooks and pens. ._.
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Am I excited for school? What kind of dumb question is that? You really should be ashamed of yourself for asking such a pitiful, pitiful question.


Oh, you're taking ballet? Really? Where? You should've told me earlier, so we could do it together and be the best of amigos having fun in ballet, wearing suffocatingly tight clothing, and bending our toes into unnatural--not to mention painful--positions...(no sarcasm intended, it actually sounds really fun).
solyh* 1 decade ago
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solyh* 1 decade ago
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I'm really exited. Mostly for the supply buying o.o You're defo right about the suffocatingly tight clothing. I saw Orfa and Jazzy at the studio though. Oh yeah, since I have no experience whatsoever, I'm stuck with the 5-6 year olds -__-
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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You say that last sentence as if being put in a class with little kids is a bad thing...I mean, you're about their height and you act like one of them ninety percent of the time, so I'm sure you fit right in! But all joking aside, I love little kids. I love all kinds of people, really. Not just the annoying midget kind that eat glue and stick things up their nose and put their boogers on everthing. I really do love ALL people *twitches with happiness*! *insert happiness, sunshine, and rainbow upchuck here*

...I hope you understand that was a joke. All of it. Well, apart from your similarity to those little numskulled brats. ;)
solyh* 1 decade ago
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Omg no I'm nothing close to their size. I'm like towering over them. xD
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Well, if you would like to believe so... Also, I just checked out the Chris Collins website...and I don't think I could sign up--even if I wanted to. Apparently, they only offer chaqueti(or however that's spelled). I'm looking for some straight up afro dance classes, if you know what I mean! Channel my inner Simba or something. :)

(Oh, see how I didn't insult you at all in this reply..well, not much at least. That's cause I'm going to become a nicer person than I am right now...if that's even possible. The whole *insert happiness, sunshine, and rainbow upchuck* mentality* except for real this time!!! Aren't you proud of me?)
solyh* 1 decade ago
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Nuh uh! They have lots of classes :D Heck yes I'm proud of you. You go gurl.
letmeholdyourhand 1 decade ago
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Smile, you're beautiful.

Whatever you're going through, whatever struggles you're facing, face them with PRIDE, with CONFIDENCE. Because someday, you are going to look back to these days and proudly say "I survived that." And you will. You definitely will. You know you will, I know you will and no matter what happens, YOU WILL SURVIVE. You know why? Because YOU ARE STRONG. Don't believe me? Well, who's the one that's lived up till now? Who's the one that smiles, despite their pain? Who's the one that has the ability to feel emotions and hasn't shut them out even after going through so much? Who's the one that's going to extreme measures just to live? Who's the one that helps others, despite the fact that you desperately need help yourself? Who's the one that got out of bed this morning? Who's the one that is sitting or lying down, reading this right now instead of dying? That's right, it's none other than YOU. You, my darling, are a strong person. You will get through this, and it will someday be just a nostalgic memory. Don't you dare let yourself think otherwise, because if you do, you're lying to yourself. Iloveyou <3

You are a piece of treasure. A priceless, valuable piece of treasure. You are of VALUE. Value yourself, because something valuable should be nothing but valued. Love yourself, because something as beautiful as you should be cared for and forgiven every day, every night.

Smile, you're beautiful <3 <3 <3 xoxoxoxoxo
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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Hey....shouldn't you be studying for that test you have tomorrow? Does your mother know you're on here?
OmgzMichaelFTW 1 decade ago
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Passion pit omggggg.>>>>>>
solyh* 1 decade ago
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solyh* 1 decade ago
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I know I know omg
OmgzMichaelFTW 1 decade ago
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asdfghjlkl, what's your favorite song dude?
solyh* 1 decade ago
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Better Things :P You?
OmgzMichaelFTW 1 decade ago
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take a walk, or sleepy head. osidghjoikewlw so you have skype!?
OmgzMichaelFTW 1 decade ago
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JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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solyh* 1 decade ago
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Meh. It's way too slow xD
JustNodandSmile 1 decade ago
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I hope you didn't think I liked it...I just found it hilarious, cause it was made as an actual music video. Not a parody or anything.
solyh* 1 decade ago
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Ohh! xD Haha, yeah. I thought you liked it ._.