
Status: RI.P. Mitch Lucker <3 1984-2012
Joined: August 6, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 323099
Gender: F

Do you really need to know?

Quotes by foREVer_falling81

~ my story ~
My name is Schuyler and I was born on May 20, 1998. I have 5 brothers. I'm the only girl and the youngest. My childhood was pretty normal and good for the most part. At least that's what I thought. My mom abused my brothers as kids I used to think she was the best person on this planet. She was my hero pretty much. But that all changed when I turned 8. My parents got a divorce and I blamed myself for them separating like any normal kid would. And little by little my dad would tell me the truth about my mom. I never thought she abused us. But she did.. then she found a new boyfriend named Joe. I hated him because I wanted my parents to be together but he stood in the way of that. Truth is I actually miss him now. But anyways my mother and Joe lasted for 4 years. They tried to have a baby but they had a miscarriage. But then my favorite Uncle of all time had passed away. My world came crashing down and I turned to self harming. I now suffer with depression and anxiety. The only thing that could take me out of my misery was music and the pain of self harming. Now I stare at my scars with regret. A couple years after my Uncle passed away my mom and Joe split up and then my mom got arrested for trespassing on Joe's land. When we were moving out of Joe's my mom started to physically and mentally abuse me. But I didn't care she was my mom and I loved her. Life was pretty good until the summer of 2012. I started talking to this guy over Facebook and I loved him. He made me happy, he knew all of my secrets, he knew how to cheer me up when I was depressed. He was the best. I developed this huge crush on him. Then in January of 2013 he asked me out and of course I said yes. I was the happiest person ever. I felt like life was actually going to be okay and that I would make it. Then on the night of Winter ball in February he broke up with me. My world once again came crashing down. We still talked from time to time after that. But then I realized I didn't need him anymore to make me happy. I had my best friend for that. And I love her with all of my heart. I don't know what I would do without her. I eventually moved on from him and I've never been this happy in a long time. So yup there's my story.
When you were young, you never thought you'd die. Found that you could but too scared to try, you looked in the mirror and you said goodbye. Climb to the roof to see if you could fly.
Sometimes you have to go to the past
To go to the future.
Crying isn't a way of showing weakness.
It's a way of showing you care.
Those little things that people say
that make you want to kill yourself.
I should've known this was going to happen.
Dear Crush,
                       You're drifting away from me and I don't know what to do about it. I loved you but you got a girlfriend now and I hope the best with you two but you don't understand that you were my one friend that I could actually trust and be myself around even though it's through a text. None of that matters to me and I hope that one day you realise this. I have always tried to be a good friend to you but I doubt you don't even realise how much you mean to me, I don't know what I'd do without you. Sometimes I wish we never started talking so I wouldn't suffer through this much heart break. You have no idea how much your texts and calls mean to me. But maybe this note is my way of letting you go I don't know what to do anymore and I know you will never have feelings for me. So I think this note is my way of saying goodbye to you and maybe one day I'll ball up and actually send this message to you.

So I'm thinking about sending this to him. What are your opinions? Should I send this to him?

I don't like you.
I only like you a little bit.

Yeah... Sorry I'm a terrible liar.
Truth is I'm deadly in love with you.

Where did I go wrong...?