
Joined: December 11, 2010
Last Seen: 1 year
user id: 139078

Quotes by funkygirl147

If you ever feel stupid just remember I once read 9 o'clock as "reverse 3 o'clock"
Wow, I haven't eaten anything in a whole hour. Time to clean out the pantry.
I'm not a sweet, quiet girl. I just know how to act around adults.
What's the weather going to be like today?

Normal people: *checks weather* Around 70.

Me: *sticks bare arm outside* Warm.
I want a boy who smells nice and likes to sing.
"Old people are great; they're wise and full of experience."
Sometimes I plan out conversations in my head and accidentally say them aloud.
That awkward moment when
you talk to your cat more than you talk to your family
I find Cabbage Patch Kid dolls
scarier than most horror movies.
Hear that sound? That's the sound of the world not ending.

(Yes, another end of the world joke. Deal with it.)